C02 level of toxicity.


Well-Known Member
So I've read articles and several forums but there's lot of difference opinions. How many of you have experience working in your room with 1500ppm? Any side effects? EPA claims 1000-2000 can cause lightheadedness and drowsiness, whereas 5000ppm is the level of fatal toxicity. I've read that 6000 and humans would go extinct. The current ppm averaged globaly is currently 387 since the industrial revolution.
So I've read articles and several forums but there's lot of difference opinions. How many of you have experience working in your room with 1500ppm? Any side effects? EPA claims 1000-2000 can cause lightheadedness and drowsiness, whereas 5000ppm is the level of fatal toxicity. I've read that 6000 and humans would go extinct. The current ppm averaged globaly is currently 387 since the industrial revolution.
Whatever you've been reading is wrong. OHSA regs state you can work in 5000ppm of CO2 unprotected for 8 hours a day.
Ive expierenced high CO2 and it causes slight lip numbing at 3500ppm after a few minutes. You aren't going to pass out an quiver or not have time to get to fresh air but your brain isnt getting the right amount of oxygen above 1000ppm (Im assuming this number) and it can't be that great. What was the CO2 levels when the dinosaurs were on the planet?
i have a dumb question, my furnace burns natural gas it has a vent. i also have a hot water tank that also burns natural gas it also has a vent that goes outside. how do natural gas co2 generators not create carbon monoxide when creating carbon dioxide please excuse my ignorance i dont understand the science behind it.