c02 tanks and regulators!?

diesel mecanix

Active Member
Hey, noobie here :)

I need to know where to find a c02 tanks and regulators for sale!? I have been looking for a little while and thought I would ask the pros. I have been looking on this site for a while and just now registered. You guys know what your doing thanks for the help you don't know you have already given me :)


Well-Known Member
Hey, noobie here :)

I need to know where to find a c02 tanks and regulators for sale!? I have been looking for a little while and thought I would ask the pros. I have been looking on this site for a while and just now registered. You guys know what your doing thanks for the help you don't know you have already given me :)
I got mine here: Hydroponics, Indoor Gardening Supplies, Hydroponic Systems - home

Nice folks and they are fast.

I got my tank from an industrial gas and welding supply company. It is a 20 pound tank completely filled with pure c02. Be careful, some places mix the shit with other gasses. Tell them it's for a bar you are installing at home and you need 100% c02. It was like $175 if I remember correctly.