
new grower uk

Active Member
Hi, just bought a rowing machine, is it worth puting in my grow room and work out in there, or does it not make a difference to the C02? I use a dr90 in my spare room woth a 250 light, im also thinkingof upgrading to a dr120, is that a big jump? Anyone own one, i was gonna put a 600 watt light in it, how many plants can i get in one? Many thanks


Active Member
If you working out changed the amount of CO2 in a room that considerably, gyms would be death traps. Work out all you want. You are not going to negatively/positively effect the CO2 level unless you were wokring out in a sealed room like a refrigerator. I am assuming you are not working out in a refrigerator.

I would guess that with your dr90 you could have 6 plants comfortably or 4 monsters. With the dr120 you will be almost doubling the square footprint. You should be able to go up to more plants, but you will need more light.

new grower uk

Active Member
Ta, oops i use a dr60, i only done 4 grows, 2 plants at a time, so far only done autos (i know people rip them but hand on heart iv been really pleased with results) but want more space to have more variety of plants instead of weed A and weed B


Well-Known Member
You will not change it. The air exchange rate will keep it at normal range. Around 300ppm. But you will have higher o2 from the plants. Not much but some and as you exercise it can be better for you just no help to the plants.


Well-Known Member
2 x plants under 1 600 hps light,any more plants will cut the over hall yeild down.
If you flower at about 2 foot tall then you should get about 8/12 oz dry per plant.
Has for co2 just make sure that you have a good inlet,and out let.
If you are useing a 12 " out let comeing from your filter use a 10 " in let
then they will be no need for extra co2 intake has long has the air that your pulling in is comeing from
a good in let like a window,i pull from a void under a window in a loft space.


Well-Known Member
lol , i have a co2 ppm meter and when i breath on it , it will jump up to 2200+ppm but it just drops immediately. i have a grow tent, when the tent is open and im doing garden work i have my co2 off. and i check the meter after im done working and it is usually higher like 600+ ppm . if i dont run co2 in the tent for several minuts, while ventilated, my co2 will be about 380ppm, right when i open the tent. im very curious now. i jog every day so, tonight when i get back from the run i will put the meter in a closed semi sealed room with just a passive air flow. with my heart rate up, i will try a little science (loose use of the word) experiment.

new grower uk

Active Member
I have a be in my grow room (spare bedroom) me and my girl do it in there in the winter as its the warmest room, and i always looked over my shoulder smiling things maybe the plants were benifiting too haha


Well-Known Member
If you working out changed the amount of CO2 in a room that considerably, gyms would be death traps. Work out all you want. You are not going to negatively/positively effect the CO2 level unless you were wokring out in a sealed room like a refrigerator. I am assuming you are not working out in a refrigerator.

I would guess that with your dr90 you could have 6 plants comfortably or 4 monsters. With the dr120 you will be almost doubling the square footprint. You should be able to go up to more plants, but you will need more light.
but gyms are well ventilated ..at least here in California they are, and i am gonna have to sneak a ppm meter to the gym someday.


Well-Known Member
Were talking in a closed circualtion system a human breathing hard from exersize. i am positive the co2 would rise. it would take 10,000ppm to kill a man , in a closed garden, sealed well , there will still be cracks. so i bet yo could get the pm to 1500+ and have happy plants.

and i would bet anything that screwing in front of your plants would help regardless of ppm levels lol


Well-Known Member
i personally use a co2 tank...for one 4x8 tent i will spend 400$+ per grow on co2. with the lights on i keep the ppm at 1500 . its not cheap, and if there was an easier, cheaper way to make my plants think its 200 million B.C. please post. working out is great idea but you cant do that for 12 hours a day in a closed circulation environment.


New Member
funny how everyone says it will not change it. i think it will. if i go in my veg or flower tents (8x8's) for any period of time the Co2 meter jumps up. in my veg tent i go in there all the time to work and i have reaised it from 500ppm to 1500ppm+ in less than an hour.

gym's aren't traps cause you need about 7000ppm to actually even feel any negative affects as a human.


Well-Known Member
Did see anyone say it won't work. Just that it won't be a large enough increase to show a major change. It would be better to just get a co2 bag from Exhale. 30 bucks and a constant boost for 6 months.


Well-Known Member
Do it!!! Just getting to hangout with your plant is going to make you want to work out, think about it your going to be stupid ripped by havest lol