C0pz n dr0nez


Well-Known Member
So cops sending drones out scanning houses nearby apparently for grows how does that work ? I mean if they all have heating etc surely they can’t see shit ?
I mean a hps glowing a room out boasting 32c temps I can see and lofting that too

but what about led growers using panels where the rooms a stable 25c ? Surely they would be non visible ? Iv not seen reports of any led boosting daft temps ,my leds when running full stil feel cool even on the aluminium I’d say there about the temp any metal object would be in a room like room temp glass of water temps
Surely they can’t see that shit ?
can they see the energy on the fans ?
dude said to me on the street they raided 3 empty houses and haven’t found the heat source yet ? Surely they’d know what house it came from lol otherwise why would they need a drone lol
What can they really see
They can only see the temperature of the outside walls. It’s not like they can see through walls. So if you were growing in an uninsulated attic for example, seeing the roof temp as a hot spot in one area might lead to suspicion..
I would figure they’d be looking for abnormalities in the heat signature coming off the house. They may be able to pin point “hotter” spots in the house by scanning.
I think a lot of this is urban myth. I remember reading about this years ago, and that most places (in the US at least) require a warrant to run IR. Now they did use helicopters for this purpose years ago, but absolutely no where are they spending the money to fly a helicopter to run IR over random houses. Drones? maybe? but I'd still think they'd need a warrant.

I look at it like this. If you're in an illegal state, and you're growing/selling illegally, all bets are off. It's not going to be cops running random IR that gets you caught. It's someone's loose lips. Someone's loose lips will get those cops that warrant.d
Are you sure they are looking for grows? The illegal states in the US are not even training drug dogs for cannabis anymore, hard to believe they would be spending time flying drones around looking for grows.
Good point.
Even if they were looking, they're looking for venting heat. They can't see inside walls. Don't vent your heat outdoors, especially in the winter. Problem solved.
Nice tip.
If you grow in an attic space during winter time and all other houses got snow on the roof except yours, thats a dead give away. I doubt youd be able to see come summer time and not sure about leds vrs hps.
Are you sure they are looking for grows? The illegal states in the US are not even training drug dogs for cannabis anymore, hard to believe they would be spending time flying drones around looking for grows.
Yeah they took out 18 houses growing recently big op they post about using the dji maverick and enterprise as we as a mantis with new thermal cams
They raided 3 homes that had heat and found no grows but still persist cause someone here has no filter
The drone hunt is cops new venture and in uk there next to no law on it apparently lol
They sat waiting for a dude other day n raided him as he got home to find nothing but makes me a lil para eh
There after a gang controlling the area they tunnelled to the new traffic lights too lol

How much insulation do u need to keep snow on the roof then eh , last year I had plasterboard and had missing snow ,this year I got 100mm kingspan ontop
Plenty of legitimate reasons for an elevated heat signature. I'd have trouble believing that that that's ALL they'd need to legally search anyone's home. With all the various heating implements I had when I kept reptiles, it had to have looked like a good size grow to anyone looking for unusually warm rooms.
Of course they can see through walls, lol. They have thermal devices that can pickup human heat signatures under the ground up to like 200 feet. They use them to find bodies trapped under rubble, or even under water, etc. See right through solid concrete. The tech is old now too!

Now they can use your internet routers to create virtual 3d holograms of what is going on inside your house, and it can even pickup heat sigs too, and make out shapes perfectly. Look it up! "Routers can see people through walls." Now just imagine, there are probably 20 other routers in the vicinity, and they can start to triangulate and join together with all your neighbors routers to create a super hologram, more like real life. The technology is crazy, and since 9/11 they can spy and run surveillance on anyone they want. The gov hands out these sophisticated devices to police to test all the time.

Not that they even need to, because most electrical systems are hooked up to smart meters now. So advanced, it can detect any kind of circuit, and knows every single device and when you are running them in your house. If the LE wanted they could just request all the data you were forced into signing away right from the power company.
People tunneling under the ground to steal power from the traffic lights? lol that is crazy. I guess the smart meters can't pick that up, haha.
Of course they can see through walls, lol...

Not that they even need to, because most electrical systems are hooked up to smart meters now. So advanced, it can detect any kind of circuit, and knows every single device and when you are running them in your house. If the LE wanted they could just request all the data you were forced into signing away right from the power company.

I cannot imagine anyone being more paranoid than me when it comes to growing. My moniker for the longest time, and it's still on my website is, "I'm a Fugitive From Injustice".

And as someone who bought MH lights from Midwest Micro via a High Times ad in the '80s, and fucking _freaked_ out over Operation Green Merchant, I know all about paranoia. It's _not_ paranoia if they really are out to get you.

But these days, even in the SouthEast, in one of the most Prohibition states in the U.S. ... even _I'm_ not as fucking paranoid as the OP.

That being said, if you're dumbass enough to do shit like beat on your wife, get drunk, hit the kids etc. while you're growing, you deserve what you get.

I can tell you stories about being paranoid as shit because even in the most isolated mountainous area where I am, I've got a VOR within a mile of me, and I absolutely hate being on a flight path to the nearest airport.

Even the dumbass, redneck LEO's in my area know there's other things to worry about rather than people growing for their own consumption, in their own house.

Let's hope I don't get busted tomorrow!:o
So got 2 stories now
1 is they can’t see thru walls
2is they can see thru walls lol

seems a debate to whether they actualy can ?
thebwifi scanners say they can detect Wi-Fi and objects that’s scary wi-peep drone

but then some say the thermal shows ya heat others are saying it can’t scan bodies justtemp changes on surface
But this dude says they use it to scan rubble ?
mid they did why do they need somany weeks search and rescue to find 1 person etc ?
Some say it’s a myth to scare us

I say I don’t friggin know and yeah I am paranoid they took somany peeps but like u said dodgey life too I’m honest a good man I help the community lol and somany out there are mental round here fighting drugs the lot no 1 looks at me really but I hate the friggin drone hovering over me

Ye they can’t se the traffic lights but 3am they skill saw the concrete before raiding the house lol now the entire road is covered in coco

They been able to see through walls for decades. Why they don't save more people buried under buildings or hostages with the same kind of tech? I dunno, probably its reserved only for the elite, and obviously needs to be kept secret for them to stay in power..

Why didn't we fly big drones with zip lines or use jetpack\hoverboard platforms to save the people jumping out of the upper trade center tower floors before they collapsed, when surely there are nearby military hangers stocked full by the 1000s?. Because.. if we knew where hoards of jetpacks were, and how to see & listen through walls like the ruling class can, their game would be over!

You know the saying. That the tech is always 50+ years more advanced than what the public gets to know about. If they are letting us know how easy it is for almost anyone to see people, and to map\make out objects through walls, by rigging up old wifi routers (or smart phones, etc) and some jank AI software... Well, then one can only imagine how advanced it is now. 5g is made specifically to penetrate solid walls btw, so you do the math..

I'm sure the AI is so advanced (thanks to people allowing chat GTP and other 3rd party programs to take over their home networks, while beaming them with the same kind of wifi radar algorithms right through their own devices, lol) it can detect the cannabis plant leaves just like human signatures.

There's no debate :eek:

If they are after a criminal gang or people stealing power I can see them looking hard in cases like that, or as someone said beating your wife or some other unlawful act while you have a garden. Hate for the them get to you instead of the real criminals.
I have a Pulsar thermal scope I use for hunting, and I scoped the space with it. Can't see shit outside the space. Unless you have HPS in the attic, it shouldn't be an issue. Remember, it "sees" temperature, not light. When everything is the same as air temp, theres nothing to "see". IMO odor is the biggest security factor.
I have a Pulsar thermal scope I use for hunting, and I scoped the space with it. Can't see shit outside the space. Unless you have HPS in the attic, it shouldn't be an issue. Remember, it "sees" temperature, not light. When everything is the same as air temp, theres nothing to "see". IMO odor is the biggest security factor.
Even if it's cold outside, a home is going to have heat, if it's occupied. My tent runs about 10°f higher than the rest of my place. Not much to see there.