C99 and Pure Gooey DWC SCROG

Thanks to you all for the compliments and your time !!
Hope to have you around till the end ! lol

PH = 5.8
PPM = 240

That is what I run for a good 2 weeks before slowly bumping them up I am working with 225-250 PPM from tap
I'm not sure how you subscibe to these things, but one way or another I'm gonna read every post on this one.
I'm not sure how you subscibe to these things, but one way or another I'm gonna read every post on this one.

LOL......Welcome aboard the Gooey Cindy Train, PNTRBL !!
Thanks for joining me on this grow !

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I don't know what's up with these slow to root Fairlight C99's in the left cooler. :!:
Neferti's C99, in the right cooler, and the Pure Gooey have been growing fast and steady.
FairLight's has 2 nodes and working on the 3rd. :?:
Nef's has 3 and working on their 4th. Gooey too ! :clap:

Clean and clear though !!!


Looking good Flo, I am waiting on PE & GWS to hit the water as well, I use smaller net cups 3". I am going to add some Rhizotonic to give it a jump start it raises PPM by 15 using 30ML! You have seen my results with it may be worth a small bottle you will be amazed with the results trust me :D
Good call. What type of netting are you using for the SCROG? How are you securing it inside your tent?

I have some PVC netting from Lowes.
It's a roll that's 2ft wide and 25ft long.
I'll connect two pieces so that it measures 30 inches x 30 inches square.
Then use zip ties to attach it to each of the 4 poles inside the tent.
The holes are 2in squares too.
Look at my album pics.
I believe there's a pic of the Gorilla Grape and Magic Merlin I SCROG'd last Winter.
Better yet, just look below.......lol
Either that, or remove the bottom tray off the set up I made in the pics below and extend the length of the 4 top PVC poles because this one was made to fit in my HomeBox XS tent that's 2ft x 2ft x 4ft.

looking good!! what GH nutes are you using?? do you plan on using any supplements as well??

Thanks BooYah !
I use the FloraMicro and FloraGrow.
I use POWDER KoolBloom as a booster starting Day 14 Bloom.









Now that's how ya do it right!! 100 seeds huh? nice! lookin good bro

hey flo, I finally got a journal started! check it out. link is in the sig.
Now that's how ya do it right!! 100 seeds huh? nice! lookin good bro

hey flo, I finally got a journal started! check it out. link is in the sig.

Thanks TJP !
Yeah, 100 seeds from EACH PLANT = 300+ TOTAL
Seeds are huge too !
I'll be checking on that journal as well ! lol
That is a very nice looking soil op. I really like how the plants are sitting on that wire screen with the res underneath for drainage. Good stuff Flo.
I missed out on the powder bloom from GH....:cry:

It's really inexpensive too, for the size bag you get.
I've had my bag 1yr and barely put a dent in it !
I use 2 of the 5ml scoops each time I add it to the rez.
The bag comes with a scoop that has a 5ml cup on one end and a 15ml cup on the other end I believe.

That is a very nice looking soil op. I really like how the plants are sitting on that wire screen with the res underneath for drainage. Good stuff Flo.

Thanks HeadSack !!
The netting I got from Lowes along with my SCROG PVC screen.
Shit is durable too.
The plants in the SCROG above are in 2gal Smart Pots.
Worked out great, but I like my Air Pots for soilless a little better though.
Put the drain catchers on the bottom and used the 1gal sprayer to feed each plant.
After 20 minutes of dripping, just remove the pan and empty.
Was a little tedious at times, when I didn't feel like doing it. lol
I think I'm going to like the DWC SCROG method better IMHO.
Nothing to drain and no sprayer to fill and constantly pump !!!
Right on Flo I think your going to really like that cooler system you got going too and can't wait to see how those C99 and pure gooey girls end up.
Right on Flo I think your going to really like that cooler system you got going too and can't wait to see how those C99 and pure gooey girls end up.
Thanks HeadSack !
I KNOW I will like it since I already pulled 2 harvest from them.......lol
Spring is gonna be SO NICE ! lol

great job as always im on the train
Thanks for stopping by TitoM !
I value you opinion bro !

damn flo what happened? Did you and Mason Moore divorce? LOL

LMAO......nah, Mason and I are still going strong ! LMFAO
She can super soak me whenever !

PICS COMING UP VERY SOON.....................