CaB STeAlth Grow /w Cfl'S - FiRst groW - MisTy, Speed Queen


Well-Known Member
sorry man your plants are suffering from you not having proper ventalation, temp, soil, watering problems..etc.

good luck, plants need all this to live...:peace:


New Member
69-81 humidity
31-51 Humidity

Current 81 degreez after aprox 9 hours of having light on
31 humidity

also i have a few things of nutes would i be able to use.. say tomato food ? or mG fert till i get specific nutes

the values r as folloes
tomato food 5-10-10
nameless thing 12-18-6
MG 15-30-15
MG 30-10-10

i think the last mirical grow thing would work the best? it has the most nitrogen content and a decent level of the other 2 so it would be good for veg? then the first MG would be decent for flowering ?

and finally for the updates. i have a few new sprouts comming up. i have no doubt they will get close to catching up to the ones who have been growing for weeks. first pic = new sprout
second pic = older sprout seems like its finnally comming out of stunning new growth at top but still if yellow/brown around edges
third pic = new seed poking out of ground
fourth = old sprout severe brownin on some leaves (as seen) and some new growth and very short but just as developed as other sprout. mabe 2 diffrent strains?
fifth pic is cfl above all the new cups with seeds prolly around 8-9 total 3 have sprouts 2-3 have seed's poking out of soil then 2-3 have no signs of life 1 seed = looks like it wont make it



New Member
yes ive seen that page be4 very nice listing with pics i havent used any nutes. i was just wondering if any of those would work most nutes should be about the same as long as the levels are correct. the high N level nutes should be good for vEg and the higher K should be better for flowering but i would like someone to say"yes that would work" be4 i go giving them to my plants so far i think the browning was just caused by underwatering mixxed with ave-high heat so far i havent got any temp readings over 81 so i dont think thats to bad once i actully have ventalation in the grow room it should be perfect tempature 70's ish im guessing. as for my lighting situation i think i might pick up a Cooltube HPS right now i have only 1 x 105 cfl and one smaller odor eliminating one my ghetto rig is only setup to hold 3 and it would only hold them vertical so i could either

get more 125 watt cfls 2-3 and rig up new fixture ( enviorlight 12,000 lumens)
get a t-5 Fixture ( 20,lumens )
or pick up a hps cooltube ( 55,000 lumenS )

so i fuigred the hps cooltube would be the most effective/professional light fixture for the price

Edit : my bad about the crappy pics. even when my camera is perfectly still it gives me blurry shots but you can see the overall shape/size/color from the pics ( ima buy myself a new camera for x-mas :) )


New Member
right now i only got 1 x 105 watt Cfl but then again there only 2-3 inch sprouts. i fuigred that would be sufficient and how do i have a fan on them ? i dont i havent put in ventalation yet. i just put 2 of the ones that were stunted (3 weeks old+ ) into bigger pots 2 gal and im pretty sure i just stunted em again... transfering to new pots = i suck at the soil wouldent clump right and i think i bumped there roots around to much woll doin it.... im a murderer :( ..

i got a few questions for anyone who wants to help
1. is there a thing you put on a drill that can cut say a 6 ft hole if so whats it called. i got one that will cut a 2 inch hole but i would need one 3-4 times as big for ventalation

2. im still looking for opinions if a hps cooltube would work in my contained enviorment only 3 ft height

3.will the nutes i mentioned above work ?

last. my roots on the 2 plants i just transplanted were long and went like strait down in the soil not so much to the sides of the cup, is there a reason for that? and is there any way to make them branch twards the edges more ? cuz the roots were just wrapped aroud the bottom of the cup in a circle ( keep in mind the plants are 2-3 inches tall...and the roots are atleast double that...


Well-Known Member
This is what you are describing looks like,

Sorry I do not know the exact name but they come in all kinds of sizes and can be found at any hardware store.

I'm quite certain an hps cool tube would be fine in your space with proper ventilation, provided you don't veg very long and plan to flower sooner than later.

For nutes I know nothing about but I'm using foxfarms product and they seem to work well, before that I was using MG.

I found foxfarm products near me from that link.

Your root situation seems strange but I'm thinking since you transplanted that they will be fine and continue to grow normally, I wouldn't worry about that until the plant is actually looking sick or whatnot. keep it fed and plenty of light, also get a fan and some ventilation in there that will help tremendously.

Hope some of what I wrote helps, good luck to you and your growing experiences!


Active Member
" 1. is there a thing you put on a drill that can cut say a 6 ft hole"

That would be big enough to walk through...


New Member
ok smartass use some common sence and assume i ment 6'' and not 6' your taking advantage of the fact i was up at 2 am ;)

and yes humbolt thats what i was refering to. you know how much they run for? if not ill just check whenever i get around to running to the store i plan on using general hydroponics ferts there cheap and ive seen people who know what there doing suggest them as for the roots i was just wondering if i did soemthing wrong to make them grow like that cuz it grew strait down to the bottom then had a few inches of roots just tangled/wrapped around the bottom of the cup.. hopefully the new pots will fix that ... and the fact i kinda put the roots in sideways... thats how they fell and i didnt wanna grab em and move the roots with my hands so i just covered them with soil as fast as i could ( the dirt fell apart when i tryed to transplant it didnt stick as well as i woulda hoped)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't thingk so, you'd have to have a damn big drill:mrgreen: however a jigsaw would work for something like that...

The Dude

Active Member
This is what you are describing looks like,

Sorry I do not know the exact name but they come in all kinds of sizes and can be found at any hardware store.

I'm quite certain an hps cool tube would be fine in your space with proper ventilation, provided you don't veg very long and plan to flower sooner than later.

For nutes I know nothing about but I'm using foxfarms product and they seem to work well, before that I was using MG.

I found foxfarm products near me from that link.

Your root situation seems strange but I'm thinking since you transplanted that they will be fine and continue to grow normally, I wouldn't worry about that until the plant is actually looking sick or whatnot. keep it fed and plenty of light, also get a fan and some ventilation in there that will help tremendously.

Hope some of what I wrote helps, good luck to you and your growing experiences!
Its called a hole saw.
Also I've never heard of an "odor removing bulb" or whatever. I'm interested to see if it works. Most things that nutrilize malodor are bad for plants. Also note if your going stealth don't ever buy an air purifier with O2 because it kills plants (as i learned in my first apartment grow). Looks good so far Good Luck:)


New Member
and this is the rest of my pics and the pots all together.... right now the 2 original plants are still pretty stunted... they have new growth but there still goin slow.. i just cliped off the dead and dieing leaves... as for the 6 new plants there are going pretty well they are all a week old and have almost caught up to the two stunted ones( that are a month old) i have alittle problems with yellowing of leaves in the new plants... im not sure exactly why.. i think the humidity being low is one problem .. it should be around 60+ and it was at 30 for most of the grow... so im changing that... i need somewhere to find a ph meter.. i cant seem to find one at local stores... being its winter and all... as for ventalation... i am in the proccess of looking for very quiet fans that still can move between 50-100 cfms.. no luck so far... as for lights. i think i am going to go with a 250 watt hps with a cooltube.. which will give me around 33000 lumens if i leave that and the 100 watt cfl in there i should have around 5000 lumens/sq ft ... will that be good to flower small plants? ( less then 2 ft) any other opinions or suggestions i am open to

also keep in mind the ones in the big black pots are the older ones. and the ones in the smaller white/red cups are 7-10 days old



Well-Known Member
Clipping them leaves may stunt them even more or at least slow down their growth , I just let them die and fall off naturally, I look at it this way .. "there isn't anybody in nature to clip off dying leaves"..

I'm not certain but I'm thinking the yellowing leaves would be more due to higher humidity, the lower the hum is better, so i've been told.. only thing is with the humidity being too low is that it dries out your soil too fast, before the plants get what they need and this forces you to water more often. (in theory)

You can find ph testers at your local hot tub outlet, they carry them all seasons, they also sell them at hardware stores, walmarts, ebay etc.. for hot tub purposes.

Try using computer fans, I have examples of them in my journal, if interested skim through it, find the images and the information on them...

I'm thinking you could grow 4 - 6 small decent plants using the 250w plus cfls, what's stopping you from getting a 400w or higher?



New Member
my box is very very small... i wouldent wanna get a 400 watt hps and not be able to use it.. im not sure if even with the cooltube it would work properly. if you think otherwise let me know the lumens for a 250 is 33k and 400w is 55k i thought i might only need the smaller amout and it might be better for heat ( im underestimating the cooltube i think )

as for the clippings .. always a part of the leave turned befor the whole thing... so i cut the affected areas off to see if it would help( also ive seen that done in a grow video some thc labs thing )

as for the ph testers the one pool place near me is closed for the winter and 2 local stores didnt have them... ill continue checking worse comes to worse ill get one offline... EDIT : i found a pool ph tester and i tryed it on the water ive been using... right now it seems like its high 7.3 give or take .2+ or .1- what adverse affects would a high(alkalie) water have on my plants ?

as for the humidity ive herd ideal humidity for veg is around 60 % so i fuigred half of that couldent be good.... its only suposed to be at 50 % for flowering... i managed to raise it to low 40's.. i will continue tryin to get it to a select mark.

the fans... i was considering a computer fan.. ive looked into a few but i cant find a good balace of airflow/silence/price im considering getting a fluid dynamic cpu fan with around 70 Cfm which would seem to be quiet and still moves a decent amout of air for my 24 cubed foot space

also the size of the box is 2' D x 4' W x 3' H .... those numbers arnt exact the width and the depth are actully alittle smaller but i rounded up as for the hieght it is exactly 3 ft



New Member
last of the pics.... as you can see the ends of almost all of the leaves are yellow and have brown points... my plants still are growing thou and the new sprouts have surpassed the old stunted ones... if the stunted ones dont start moving i might have to get rid of them... there wasting space and there in the biggest pots.

still am having alittle temp problem... trying to deal with it by adding ventalation.. which seems to be helping alittle... but the yellowing is still continueing... and my humidity keeps dropping.... it is now at 15%..... i have 2 cups of water sitting in there 24/7 and im gonna buy one of those sprayers... i think the higher temps/lower humidity might be causeing the yellowing..

ooo.. and these pics taken with my new phone... suprisingly i think my phone takes better pictures then my camera..



Well-Known Member
Yeah they don't look too good they physically look over watered but the images looks maybe under watered, the soil looks dry to me, I've heard the lower the hum is better but 15 that may be a bit low, leading to soil drying out faster and watering more often. do you have a moister meter yet? if not would be a wise investment, can get them under 6 bux at most places...

PS: Don't go getting rid of any unless they are completely dead, they are tuff and will pull through givin time..