Cabin Fever

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I got laid off from work and I am board as shit. All I do is sit in the house and wait for kids to come home from school. I wander around the house and look at my plants a thousand times a day. I am too lazy to jerk off because I have to open the dvd player, put in a movie, jerk off and then put everything back like nothing happened. I also smoked the last bit of weed that I had last night. No money for more. My Papaya still has another 6 weeks of flowering. Oh well. maybe I'll go jerk off now.


Well-Known Member

im sure there are much better and productive ways to spend time then to "rub one out". i hate that phrase, but love to say it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bud, I've deemed her Berta the Moose! I thought Berta would make an excellent name for a laid back, cool cat moose... I can go outside and smoke and even talk to her, she'll just lay there and look at me and then put her head back down, reminds me of a pet dog... I love it though, my first experience with such big wildlife. :-P