Besides that you are completely full of shit. I know, because that is when you stoop to insults.
Ireland, the right to free speech is guaranteed under the Constitution (Article 40.6.1.i), h
owever, this is only an implied right provided that liberty of expression "
shall not be used to undermine public order or morality or
the authority of the State".
[28] The
Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989, proscribes words or behaviours which are "threatening, abusive or i
nsulting and are intended or, having regard to all the circumstances, are likely to stir up hatred" against "
a group of persons in the State or elsewhere on account of their race, colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origins,
membership of the travelling community or sexual orientation."
Now, go to the mirror and apologize to yourself. Those are are Romani right, the traveling community? You call this free speech. It is not. It is the shadow on Plato's cave wall.
We don't have hate speech laws in the USA, but what do you about the world?