Cal-Mag Bluez


Well-Known Member
So...I decided to start adding AN Sensi Cal-Mag Bloom to my Ice girls.....they just entered 12/12 13 days ago...they looked awesome going into flower, and showed sex within 3 days....6 girls out of 7 plants. All well in this closet.
I grow ebb&flow, yaknow.....AN nutes 3 part/full line.....RO water.....pH is constant 5.8......TDS ~850.
Anyway....about 6 days into flower I started getting some signs of potassium deficiencies......which I was not sure how I could be getting. Then, after 10 days I had signs of magnesium deficiency. WTF???
SO...I realized Calcium locks out potassium and magnesium.....and I had started adding Cal-Mag......thus, I decided to flush and refill the res without the Cal-Mag, and after three days, the leaves with issue have fallen off, and the new growth is awesome.....the plants look better I guess I solved the issue.
Maybe this will help someone else. It stumped me at first....and I almost added more K to my res......but when the mg defic popped up, I realized it was a lockout. Thanks RIU!!!