Cal/Mag Def? (Coco grow with Pics)


New Member
What the title says.
Ph 5.8 (For the 1st month it was 7.2, didn't have a meter)
Ppm 500-550 (from the start)
Runoff ph: 5.2
Nutes: Vitax 20-20-20.
Organic kelp: 3ml (total for 3 plastic cup sized plants)
Medium: Coco (With an intact original sphagnum root mass from a plastic cup).
(I've since moved one girl out of this space so it's 2 plants in roughly 160 watts)

Getting the whole Canna range tomorrow if all goes well.

Looks like cal/mag deficiency but would be great to hear from you lot.
Advice, tips, feedback, thanks in advance!

P. S. Formerly RedeyeJedi8, just haven't gotten around to a correctly formatted sign off.


Well-Known Member
i feed cal mag every watering 2-3ml/gal from the very start and they love it in the coco

remember the coco itself takes some for itself. Its also good when after you wash your coco (unless its prewashed ) and you go to buffer it (unless its pre buffered) to add in a 2-3ml/gal dose of cal mag and let it sit in it for a little while when you buffer it(unless they did that too).
read the bag or whatever you used

if your nutrient is coco specific, it may actually already have the cal mag you need already. Mine doesn't however.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I'm a huge fan of Cal-Mag, but that's my water source and nutes being used....I'm no expert, but I'm guessing a cal-mag def in pic 1


Well-Known Member
well i mean, he did say he doesn't use any cal mag and he's growing coco right?? lol ^_^
kinda weird that you used sphagnum moss to start them , how did that go?


New Member
Peat moss was smooth sailing at first but a nightmare after the first 2 weeks. The plants looked more worse for wear than they do now. Started with moss because i didn't know diddly about growing. Switched to coco after recommendations from folks here and it really helped.

Getting some xyz brand Cal/Mag sups tonight if all goes well… otherwise it's the gypsum and epsom salt.


New Member
Here's another one… I just put this outside for flower. Notice the green at the top getting brighter. Still Cal/Mag def. or is something else out of whack?

you pH is to low. You even want to a run a slightly higher pH than 6.5 in veg. Lower in flower. Your deficiency looks from lockout.

Also I wouldn't use 20 20 20 in veg or flower. Too much P for veg and too much N for flower. But that's my advice, dont take it as law.

Im going to post a pH chart of when things become excessive or deficient on this forum to help a lot of you guys out.

In regards to your last plant, if you've been supplementing calcium then it might be an Iron deficiency. You've got some sort of immobile nutrient lockout.

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New Member
I don't know DT. The Ph recommendations that i've come across everywhere for a coco grow is somewhere between the 5.8-6.2 range for veg. This looks to be more of a cal/mag problem. I haven't been supplementing either of the two at all. Getting my hands on some very soon.

Would love to see the PH chart you mention. Do link it here when you get a chance to upload it.


New Member
Here she is, third day of being put outside in 11 hour sunlight. The scarring on the bottom leaves has stopped from what i can tell. Will be supplementing mag/cal from tomorrow.

What do you guys think, she look ok?



Active Member
Just watch her. Add 1g epsom per watering, or calmag, and pull thr damaged leaves. See if new ones start showing up or if the new growth slows and etc (signs it's not well yet).
So what's the pH looking like now?

If its acceptable then I would just add some iron If you like to see her green. Make sure it's chelated.

Idk what the guys saying it's a calcium magnesium deficiency for. Those are Immobile nutrients therefore the older leaves would break those down and send it to the younger so they can photosynthesize. Resulting in vernal colorists and general. Chlorosis of the older leaves. Your older leaves look healthy as can be. If you know your NPk nutes are being supplied then add iron. If anything add some more nitrogen.

PS. Looks like she's trying to push vegetative growth, why are you Confusing her with 11 light.

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