Cal mag defficiency?


Active Member
I belive my plant is having cal or mag defficency. What do you think?20200603_141048.jpg
Ph is 6.5 heat and lights are OK.

Soil i used was lightmix. Giving canna veg nutrients about every third watering and only half of reccomended dosage.20200603_141045.jpg20200603_141037.jpg
Well, it's definitely not Ca...and while it sort of looks like an Mg issue, I don't think it is. Not to beat a dead horse, but I'd be sure your pH probe is working correctly. It's in your new growth, so it's currently happening, whatever it is. Sorry I can't be anymore help. Good luck.
Well, it's definitely not Ca...and while it sort of looks like an Mg issue, I don't think it is. Not to beat a dead horse, but I'd be sure your pH probe is working correctly. It's in your new growth, so it's currently happening, whatever it is. Sorry I can't be anymore help. Good luck.
Tested with better PH measuring equipment today... and.... yes was watering with ph almost at 4. Seems like you where right. Thanks
Tested with better PH measuring equipment today... and.... yes was watering with ph almost at 4. Seems like you where right. Thanks
I'm not here looking to be right...just here to try and help. I'm glad to hear you figured it'll be golden now. Good luck.