Cal/mag deficiency? Or what?

You're going to have to hunt them down for the rest of the grow. A few seeds won't affect a plant but if lots of flowers get pollinated the plants will switch their energies to maturing those seeds and both yield and potency will suffer.

Don't bother saving seeds from hermie plants as most will just grow more hermie plants tho careful selection can breed the hermie trait out. I did that years ago with some Afghani Kush seeds a local guy gifted me from his large grow. The seeds I made from the non-hermie plants all grew fine and I sent seeds to half a dozen people at the time to try out.

Okay yeah I won't bother after this I'll grow what I buy from a seed bank.and I will make sure that I get them off so it doesn't switch to working on seeds that would be annoying since I'm this far in
Wow that actually worked thanks!

That is not a complete water test. You should contact your town/city works dept. and ask for an emailed copy of their water analysis. They should send you one for free and it will show levels of everything in your water and not just a few contaminants. If they ask tell them you want to raise fish or brew beer not that it's any of their f'n beeswax. :)

Okay thank you I was wondering why there was only a few things and yeah I'll do that they don't need to know lmao

I'd be looking for a cheap RO unit with all the holiday sales coming up so you won't need to worry about hidden nasties in your tap water. So much less hassle and knowing that crappy tap water isn't the problem much easier to figure out what's going on when things are a bit off.

Can get one that hooks up to a tap then can be put away when you don't need it for under $100 these days.

I'd be looking for a cheap RO unit with all the holiday sales coming up so you won't need to worry about hidden nasties in your tap water. So much less hassle and knowing that crappy tap water isn't the problem much easier to figure out what's going on when things are a bit off.

Can get one that hooks up to a tap then can be put away when you don't need it for under $100 these days.

Also got a bunch of dying sugar leaves off. It was so sticky and gunked up my scissors quick. I don't even know if that is half of them tho, I didn't want to take them all off in one day. Got them drying on top of light to try quicker
So checked on them today n the ones I took the leaves off of yesterday those pistols are turning brown and curling down already. It's not happening to the other ones including the ones I took the nanners off so I know I didn't pollinate them it's only the ones I took sugar leaves off of. Maybe bc I was squeezing I wasn't trying to but it was kinda hard to get the leaves off llol
So checked on them today n the ones I took the leaves off of yesterday those pistols are turning brown and curling down already. It's not happening to the other ones including the ones I took the nanners off so I know I didn't pollinate them it's only the ones I took sugar leaves off of. Maybe bc I was squeezing I wasn't trying to but it was kinda hard to get the leaves off llol