Cal mag Guidance


So I'm just finishing up my second grow and I really ramped up the nutes and everyone was looking great but halfway through flower my top leaves showed a definite calcium deficiency. (Small yellowing spots) I had put dolomite lime in my soil in each transfer and though that would be enough. About one tablespoon per gallon. I think it's really stunting the plants in the last few weeks of flower. Buds and stems look fantastic and then in the last few weeks they don't have that swell that you hear about. I checked the ph run off and it was on the low end at 6.0 in soil. I just ordered cal mag and it should be here by tomorrow, but can I please get some opinions on the best way to use it?? Both in veg and flower? In veg I alternate nutes and ph'd water each watering so where would I do it there? In flower the first few weeks I do nutes and ph'd water alternating and then eventually work in molasses toward the end and pull back on nutes.


Well-Known Member
In coco I go 3-5ml/gal depending on strain and ramp down some in flower in exchange for more epsom.