Cal/Mag Question: RO Water GH Flora Series


Active Member
Finally got an RO unit and dropped my 325-350 PPM water to +/- 10 PPM and am about to start the first grow with controlled water, so I have a question. I run full hydro RDWC.

I've heard arguments for supplementing all RO grows with Cal/Mag and the opposing argument that using GH Flora series nutrients in a non-Lucas method that there would be enough calcium and magnesium in the 3-2-1, 2-2-2, 3-2-1 ratios.

Can anybody help to construct a good case for either side? I realize that different strains may prefer more or less cal/mag, I'm just looking for a baseline.


Well-Known Member
Well, first off, when we switched to RO water, I was told by local hydro shop that it is a definate must because the ro process removes these agents from the water.
So I tried it out, and have never looked back. Most of the people I know who use RO water, they all swear by it as well. And my Hydro shop guy told me to make it a baseline chemical, regardless of the ferts I used.
I am not a scientist so I have no formal degree in this stuff, but I do believe my eyes. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Simple answer yes, if mixed a the right strength. Are you using their feeding sced. if so wich one, full half quarter strength? The Lucas formula is meant to be a stand alone, meaning that all you'll ever need are Micro and Bloom. You can download a nute calculator like from cannastats or hydrobuddy and use it to customize your own feeding schedule. Just try to keep things in line with recognized nute profiles and you'll be fine. If your plants aren't showing signs of def. then your obviously doing something right. Otherwise you could use more micro, cal/mag, epsom salts. Someone correct if I'm wrong but, isn't lucas like 5-10[m-b] veg and 8-16[m-b] bloom?


Active Member
Well, first off, when we switched to RO water, I was told by local hydro shop that it is a definate must because the ro process removes these agents from the water.
So I tried it out, and have never looked back. Most of the people I know who use RO water, they all swear by it as well. And my Hydro shop guy told me to make it a baseline chemical, regardless of the ferts I used.
I am not a scientist so I have no formal degree in this stuff, but I do believe my eyes. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the response. I know that most people do use cal/mag but according to some things I've read, the Flora series may be one of the few that enough cal/mag when used in a 3 part combination. No offense to you or honest dealers but most hydro stores will sell you "left handed fertilizer" if they can make a profit. I don't mind paying for and using stuff if I need it but most of the stuff in hydro stores is just marketing.
Simple answer yes, if mixed a the right strength. Are you using their feeding sced. if so wich one, full half quarter strength? The Lucas formula is meant to be a stand alone, meaning that all you'll ever need are Micro and Bloom. You can download a nute calculator like from cannastats or hydrobuddy and use it to customize your own feeding schedule. Just try to keep things in line with recognized nute profiles and you'll be fine. If your plants aren't showing signs of def. then your obviously doing something right. Otherwise you could use more micro, cal/mag, epsom salts. Someone correct if I'm wrong but, isn't lucas like 5-10[m-b] veg and 8-16[m-b] bloom?
Thanks but I'm not using Lucas, that was the basis of my question. I know the Lucas method and have used it but am NOT using it now with RO water. I've read conflicting things about using the Flora 3 part and NOT needing to supplement cal/mag as opposed to people needing cal/mag when using the Lucan method and nutrient formulas OTHER then GH Flora series.
I have had problems with the Lucas formula in Veg, I get a cal/mag def in veg when I did the 5/10. I use the 3 part flora series in Veg @ 15ml -10ml-5ml. But even Lucas said in his forum that you will get def with 5/10 thats why he recommends 8/16 if using HID. During flowering I do use the Lucas formula @ 8/16 and havent had any problems with it.. hope this helps


Active Member
I have had problems with the Lucas formula in Veg, I get a cal/mag def in veg when I did the 5/10. I use the 3 part flora series in Veg @ 15ml -10ml-5ml. But even Lucas said in his forum that you will get def with 5/10 thats why he recommends 8/16 if using HID. During flowering I do use the Lucas formula @ 8/16 and havent had any problems with it.. hope this helps
Are you using cal/mag with the 15-10-5 and if so, have you tried it without the cal/mag? That's my big question. I'm trying to run particular N-P-K ratios, based on Mel Franks work using all three parts of the GH nutes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response. I know that most people do use cal/mag but according to some things I've read, the Flora series may be one of the few that enough cal/mag when used in a 3 part combination. No offense to you or honest dealers but most hydro stores will sell you "left handed fertilizer" if they can make a profit. I don't mind paying for and using stuff if I need it but most of the stuff in hydro stores is just marketing.

I totally agree about the hydro shop, but when both larger and smaller successful growers who use ro water ALSO use it, it's gotta make you wonder. And I can appreciate that RO process removes it, so it seems to make sense.. But that’s just my thoughts. Also have had very good results with it, no deficiency issues, it’s not that much loot, and it didn’t change the taste of the end product as far as I know.



Well-Known Member
The three part doesnt supply enough. I use well water with a 25-40 ppm. I even use 1-1-1 ratio for the first two weeks and im seeing calmag def aroud week4. I think you should bring it up to 50ppm at least with the cal mag. Most ferts are made for tap water.
The first two weeks are the most important for calmag because your not heavily feeding them. Once you get to week 4 calmag doesnt mean much when your feeding them 1100-1400ppm because there will be alot more calmag in that mix than there will be in a 750ppm solution of the three part. I stay on the 1-1-1 plus 25ppm of calmag till week three then do 1000ppms kinda like 1.5-2-2.5 with and 1.5ml b52 per gallon. Then week 4 with no calmag and 1200ppm at 1-2-three.(three button is missing). There will be more than enough calmag for them in the later weeks. The early weeks are the most important.
Grow contains mag and im pretty sure micro does to.


Active Member
Finally got an RO unit and dropped my 325-350 PPM water to +/- 10 PPM and am about to start the first grow with controlled water, so I have a question. I run full hydro RDWC.

I've heard arguments for supplementing all RO grows with Cal/Mag and the opposing argument that using GH Flora series nutrients in a non-Lucas method that there would be enough calcium and magnesium in the 3-2-1, 2-2-2, 3-2-1 ratios.

Can anybody help to construct a good case for either side? I realize that different strains may prefer more or less cal/mag, I'm just looking for a baseline.
I use GH and Cal mag with reverse osmosis water on my grow. Check it out to see my results by using this method.

My PPM is usually about 20 ppm coming straight out of the machine. You want to use Cal/Mag because the osmosis machine is filtering it pretty much all out of the water. So what I do is first PPM with cal/mag to 100ppm then add nutes. This has worked EXTREMELY well for me as you can see I have no issues as I am about to end week 4 of flowering.


Active Member
I use cal/mag and I use a lot of GH stuff
Flora grow
Flora micro
floralicious plus
liquid kool bloom
I use Cal/Mag and I use GH to. My nutes which include
Flora grow
Flora micro
Flora bloom
Liquid Koolbloom
Powder Koolbloom
are just for feeding but I also use a few other things for foliar feed but I have been using this recipe for some time now and have had great results with it.