Cal/Mag source


Well-Known Member
vitamin pill from the grocery store are the only micro nute i have ever used. it is in there inherent design that they can be used for this application..... and dolomite lime, or good ol MG chalked full of iron Boron and Mag


Well-Known Member
I used to use GO calmag until doing research ... seems its banned in Oregon for mislabeled product (contains EDTA) here's a link-
Ive had luck sourcing calcium through crushed oyster shells and my magnesium with sul po mag . Hope this helps
Btw props to the great LD for the knowledge !


Well-Known Member
I used to use GO calmag until doing research ... seems its banned in Oregon for mislabeled product (contains EDTA) here's a link-
Ive had luck sourcing calcium through crushed oyster shells and my magnesium with sul po mag . Hope this helps
Btw props to the great LD for the knowledge !
Thanks for the link and info gordoe32. Going to check that out for sure....

Thanks for that heads up and link. Haven't had a chance to chec it out yet, but I will soon. Funny that nothing came up about that while I was doing my reading and researching. I just picked up a bottle and have used it for one watering so far. I'll do some more digging and make my decision to continue to use it or now in the near future.

Hey bshdctr, you get your root aphids(think that was the problem) handled? Hope it didn't do too much damage to your crop.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for that heads up and link. Haven't had a chance to chec it out yet, but I will soon. Funny that nothing came up about that while I was doing my reading and researching. I just picked up a bottle and have used it for one watering so far. I'll do some more digging and make my decision to continue to use it or now in the near future.

Hey bshdctr, you get your root aphids(think that was the problem) handled? Hope it didn't do too much damage to your crop.
Hey yall,
So I looked into that link and yep apparently GO is unavailable in Oregon due to mislabeling. Not too happy to hear that but for what its worth here are some pictures of various plants grown in Subcool's SuperSoil, and watered with distilled water with about 4mls/gallon of the GO camag+. The first veg plants (Pandora's Box) have no bugs and I am working hard to try and keep it that way. The flowering plants (Bubba and OG Kush)
have the root aphids but the plants seem very vigorous and healthy still. I'll come back with a link to a more detailed post about my root aphid fight in a few min...



Well-Known Member
I used to use dol lime. It does have a lot of mag and cal but it is very slow time release. It relases very little at a time. I would still get mag def starting in the 4 th week. I since have been using epsom salt ( magnesium, sulfur, oxygen) and egg shells ( 95% calcium phosphate). That works much better.and its cheaper?

If you use the bottle stuff don't use cal mag from botanicare. It has edta in it an acetate that bonds metal.ions together. Calplex from same company is better. It has more cal and mag and its omri listed


Well-Known Member
What are some signs of cal/mag def? if ur using sumptin like the FoxFarms grow big fert that has cal/mag in it would you still need to add anymore of either. Also u talked about EDTA, what effects does it have on ur plants it is sumptin u have to worry about more long term if u grow in soil or what?


Well-Known Member
What are some signs of cal/mag def? if ur using sumptin like the FoxFarms grow big fert that has cal/mag in it would you still need to add anymore of either. Also u talked about EDTA, what effects does it have on ur plants it is sumptin u have to worry about more long term if u grow in soil or what?
Mag def is yellowing leaf tips and edges. Cal def is transparent red spots or circles.
Too much of edta will burn the shit out of your plants. Since its a chemical. Fox farm nutes are not oganic because they all have edta in it except for one. I think thats tiger bloom but im not sure.


Well-Known Member
yeah the grow big that I have is the one with all the edta, it says its got 2% cal and .5% mag. And I also use the big bloom which is organic, and I think the tiger bloom is as well. Or actually I would have to look but I think they have organic and non organic for all 3.


Active Member
From my digging around it looks like GO calmag+ is pretty well liked and recommended. It doesn't have any N in it and is organic as well. Too bad my local shop doesn't carry any liquid camg so I will look online. Anyone have a favorite online source for their GO CaMg+?
I use GO cal/mag it works well I am using R/O water, Not sure but it also contains Molasses and cane sugar which I think helps the plant absorb the cal/mag again not completely sure of that but you can get it from
prices are reasonable and they have great customer support also unless its a overweight product the shipping is free over $100.00


Well-Known Member
I emailed General Organics about this... Here's the scoop.

There is no EDTA in any of the G.O. products. The Oregon labeling issues had nothing to do with what was in the products. They were labeling issues that pertained to some of the verbiage we used. Oregon is a very strict state when it comes to fertilizer regulations. Yes, General Organics is organic.
Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
From: NOPE
To: <>
Date: Saturday, April 7 2012 04:40 PM
Subject: Question about General ORGANICS
Hello,I have a question about your General Organics CaMg+. Is it in fact organic, or is that just marketing BS? I read that it is banned in Oregon as a mislabeled product, and rumours are flowing that it contains EDTA.

So what's the story?

So there ya have it. I'm taking their word for it. True, calcium isn't a liquid... But, like we learned in science class, things can be solutions, suspensions, colloids, etc... To the naked eye they all just look like liquid.