Calea zacatechichi (dream herb)

I have tried it countless times. It works but man.. The only way that I've had very good effects come out of it was by making a brew with a whole 20g and then getting that into the size of about a cup and chugging(ICK don't do THAT), then smoking the rest up out of my nasa bong. Yes, 8g.

And I had some cool dreams.

Now I've never tried this, but I'd look into African dream root, apparently is causes prophetic dreams while also making the dreams super vivid. Seems to be everything that I wanted calea to be.

Blowing bowls of calea does give an effect while awake though, kind strange. Not a worthwhile purchase imo because it's not very potent. I suppose you could make it that way if you used the power of your mind.
Growing it would be fun just to get more green on your thumb. Maybe the bugs and animals will eat it and evolve faster because their dreams are teaching them of reality at a faster pace.
before you know it, stray cats will have a third eye with lasers.
I smoked a pretty big waterpipe bowl shortly before doing Ayahuasca and it left me with the strongest visual experience I've had to date (I do not regularly experience any sort of strong visual effects in the way of patterning, fractals etc. with any hallucinogen). It's certainly active, and it certainly has positive and widely acceptable uses, but as mentioned above I probably won't find myself buying any unless I have money I don't know what to do with.
I smoked a pretty big waterpipe bowl shortly before doing Ayahuasca and it left me with the strongest visual experience I've had to date (I do not regularly experience any sort of strong visual effects in the way of patterning, fractals etc. with any hallucinogen). It's certainly active, and it certainly has positive and widely acceptable uses, but as mentioned above I probably won't find myself buying any unless I have money I don't know what to do with.
You do know that there was about 20g of calea in that brew of ayahuasca right? xD
Oceanbastard.. How obvious. Love ya :)

Also it is like $6 an oz.
Either way, my vote goes for african dream root although I am only basing this off of reading. My dreams are pretty damn interesting as it is, must have that root .
So blurry, I just remember dumping the rest of the bag in there and someone looked at me confused.
Strangest thing though, that was the second deepest ayahuasca has ever drowned me and I could see every single dream that I'd had in the past while all at the same time. They were all planes and interconnecting, crossing in seemingly other dimensions. And whenever they'd cross or over-lock, it was a symbol and I immediately knew why I had dreamed that in so many dreams or even in that specific time.

Fucking ayahuasca. that stuff is different. But putting that calea in there made it change drastically from my other experiences.
ive never smoked it but my brothers friends has and he was telling me about it the other day. he said it tastes like shit and doesnt make you feel high or anything like that but he has some crazy lucid dreams on it.
ive never smoked it but my brothers friends has and he was telling me about it the other day. he said it tastes like shit and doesnt make you feel high or anything like that but he has some crazy lucid dreams on it.
It does that! It really does work, my friends and I get a weird buzz off of it though. It makes you not want to move, and feel stoney and relaxed.
But we do blast bong bowls.
Might as well, it's so cheap.
It's nothing toooo special though in my opinion.
there is something about it being smoked while I am tripping though.. It's strange. Can't really describe the effects, but that was worth doing.

As far as dreaming, it works sometimes for me. For others it may work every time.. The original way to do it is make tea and smoke a cigarette of it. The tea tastes disgusting.. So does the cigarette.. lol

This african dream root seems like it'd be worthwhile.