calea zacatechichi - The Dream Herb


Active Member
i bought some recently but ive only expirimented with it once.
smoking it isnt too bad at all but the tea is EXTREMELY bitter.
it definately needs honey or something to sweetin it up.
i couldnt even finish it so as soon as i get more honey ill let you know
how it all goes =)


Well-Known Member
awesome. i was just thinkin about making a thread like this. i havent tried it yet but am gonna try to obtain some soon. ANC told me about another root too (kirkii). could somebody send me a link please.
Thanks for that man, what was the hit like, or did you not get one because you didnt finish it. I bought two cuttings and now they are doing ok about 14 inches high growing vine like stems with close nodes. Its very easy to grow however it dosnt like much water, i feed it like once every three weeks and its loving it. Ive been told that it has a hit similar to a coke type feeling apparently but it soon dies off, then when you turn the lights off and start to dose thats when the beings start to visit you and apparently your dreams become completely lucid, allowing you to visit far off places. I dunno if this is all hype but im interested in lucid dreaming and when you do have a lucid dream its the best most exciting trip you will ever have.


Well-Known Member
From what I heard the dream herb works quite well... if you want to relive those dreams in dramatic definition... then calea zacatechichi can take you there ;)
I think im going to try and boost the growth of my plants by taking them off the windowsil and putting them in my friends grow room. He has a fortex thermostatic controller so the room is nice and toasty, even when the light is off. Apparently CZ does not like a large drop in temp at night. SO my thoughts are that this should encourage them to grow nice and quickly, i will have to adjust my watering tho because of the lights.
I ordered a bunch of different ethnobotanicals with klip dagga, kratom, and a bunch of others. And the only one worth buying was the Calea Zacatechichi. And do not make a tea with it because even the weakest tea of this stuff taste horrid. I smoked a couple of cigs of it and felt nice and relaxed and had very lucid dreaming. And thats kool you have some growing but its so cheap at the online store here you should just get it there.