Cali connection seeds what the deal

I'm flipping a freebie Buddha Tahoe OG in the next day or so. She is 34 days from breaking soil but I see some nice preflowers. I'll be looking daily for male parts.
hahahahahahahaha black caldron ..shit doesnt even exist.. lol i love people keep posting hahah thats as blue dream haze as it gets. grown in norcal. lol i love people tryn to stake claims at shit to help themselves... they were tyn to sell it on attitude.. sale what their alien genetics in packaging thats a clear rip off of mine. hahahhaa [please post something that matters hahahaha haters come on cpt dont ya go better than someone crying over a pic,. hahahahahahaha

dam mayb i should make it like subcool and really put people on blast.....
hey swerve..I bought 12 llarry beans from the little matchbox thing...well....3 were herms and kinda fucked up its neighboring plants...this is my first time getting fem seeds...I usually get clones, but I wanted to have a more descreet and mobile way of gettingb it in without everyone asking questions or noticing. I want to get more but am afraid to take the risk...those beans werent cheap...I got 2 matchboxes with 6 in each one. Wy did they herm..i didnt sex them because they were feminized and I ignorantly expected them to be all straight. am i at risk If I try the Tahoe...I was thinking of ordering some since i am 2000 miles from home, and thats why i got beans instead in the first place...i didnt want to have to go the mailorder route..but i have the mail order route good? since I got mine from harborside....lesson learned ALWAYS sex even femeinized seeds.....uggh
y would u mail order if u got them from harborside???

chosen what dont u understand.. he said in the video they were tryn to sale their gear on attitude. what gear? the alien something genetics or og genetics.. there is a company already called OG GEnetics they are friends of mine and would love to see a poser tryn to rip them off.. Second talk about rip off My company is the company that released and works with the alien lines only other legit company to do so is raskal...the rest are using seeds they bought from us.. as all my alien gear and lines come directly from OBSOUL33T..
3rd u wanna talk rip off hahahah cant they at least come up with their own not my match book style packaging.. lol im the only company in the world with a match book and match box copy cat blister packs here...ORiginal just like our lines and our gear all original . the original ogs, the original bubba, the original chem family.. i have been working with the originals since 05...and thats all on the boards my whole cuts n clones
they were tyn to sell it on attitude.. sale what their alien genetics in packaging thats a clear rip off of mine. hahahahahahaha

I think what Chosen meant was that your writing is confusing owing to a) unknown words like "tyn," and b) odd grammar like "sale what their alien genetics." Of course, this is the internet where nobody seems to give a fuck about grammar rules (or perhaps they never did know). But if writers don't give a fuck about grammar, then don't be surprised if nobody can be bothered to give a fuck about what is attempting to be written.

Anyway, I checked on Attitude for this CC strain Blue Dream Haze picture and there is no CC Blue Dream Haze listed. Honestly, some of the pictures Attitude uses suck dog balls. Hey Swerve, here's a legitimate question: Is it Attitude who provides the picture, or is it the company? I'm thinking no company would let another provide the picture. I know I wouldn't.
Man, these breeders risk time "jail time for all you English major homo's." And yet everone is a critic! Go look at Deadhead OG. from Cali. Connect on Attitude. Read the description and see what Swerve and his crew went through just to bring you quality gear. Direct link below.

O, and when any of you complaining fags/hermaphrodites feel your monthly cycle coming on, ask yourself why you never have placed in a cannabis cup? After that go around the world risk your freedom, and then risk some more freedom when/if you get your gear home. Then Mother/Father out your strains, breed them from f1 to f4, you'll probably have up to 500 plants at any given time. All this just to provide quality genetics to the medical community. Did I mention being caught with any amount of cannabis male or female rooted plants is automatically eligible for federal prosecution "in the US" that = Serious time and we know that you fuckin critics cant hang, so you'll probably be someones gay lover/BITCH for the duration of you 80% fed time.

I'm from Cali and got nothing but love for ya Swerve/Cali Connect. Holler bro. Stay up and fuck internet tough guys!
He isn't risking fuck all for me. Dude does it for himself to make profit. If he's not making profit, he's not doing it, and he sure as shit isn't doing it just for the medical community. Christ, you make him sound like he works for Unicef.
y dont u look into my past and present before you say i dont do it for the medical community.. im pretty dam sure my track record speaks for itself. considering the med community put me in the place im at....
Hey Swerve. I have a question for you. I bought some fem Larry from
You in Toronto 2 years ago ( you were too busy eating Chinese food this year and I didn't want to bug you in the middle of eating) anyways I have read so much good and bad, don't know what to believe anymore. I really can't afford 4 months of my plant count on known hermies Gimme honest answer here man...under good conditions Are these beans hermi prone? Thanks Swerve! Hope I will see you in Toronto 2013
Hey Swerve. I have a question for you. I bought some fem Larry from
You in Toronto 2 years ago ( you were too busy eating Chinese food this year and I didn't want to bug you in the middle of eating) anyways I have read so much good and bad, don't know what to believe anymore. I really can't afford 4 months of my plant count on known hermies Gimme honest answer here man...under good conditions Are these beans hermi prone? Thanks Swerve! Hope I will see you in Toronto 2013

You really think Swerve is going to answer that? He don't care if you get herms. Look at how he handled this guys question. He didn't read his whole post and didn't even address the guy's problem.

hey swerve..I bought 12 llarry beans from the little matchbox thing...well....3 were herms and kinda fucked up its neighboring plants...this is my first time getting fem seeds...I usually get clones, but I wanted to have a more descreet and mobile way of gettingb it in without everyone asking questions or noticing. I want to get more but am afraid to take the risk...those beans werent cheap...I got 2 matchboxes with 6 in each one. Wy did they herm..i didnt sex them because they were feminized and I ignorantly expected them to be all straight. am i at risk If I try the Tahoe...I was thinking of ordering some since i am 2000 miles from home, and thats why i got beans instead in the first place...i didnt want to have to go the mailorder route..but i have the mail order route good? since I got mine from harborside....lesson learned ALWAYS sex even femeinized seeds.....uggh

y would u mail order if u got them from harborside???

Because he's 2000 miles away from home stupid!! Address his hermie problem like a man. Don't ignore it.
y dont u look into my past and present before you say i dont do it for the medical community

Saint Swerve! You do it for yourself, pal. Now, you may indeed do good work for the Med Community, and give discounts for those persons, but no profit = No CC. Lots of people in this "industry" like to wave the "caregiver" flag pretty vigorously, and for most breeders this is a secondary concern at best.
hahaha steampick look into my past my friend... not only am i half blind but i have Multiple sclerosis.. im not here to cash in like most... ive been doing this to actually assist people.. thats why cali and the med states get such a huge discount... aside from the fact of all the elite and rare genetics i released to everyone in 05-07....i ahve seen first hand what mmj can do for crohns disease MS, glaucoma cancer and so forth....simple and to the point i help more medical patints out than most have ever done in this industry.... nor will it stop .. just like moonshineman he bet cancer and is preogressing the plant a grip.. we from the states are about medical mayb u guys should direct ur money making anger at the seed companies who have no medical ties before you guys hang us med patients in the public sqr....cuz man so many with prices thata re the same or close all for profit....i at least not only donate shirts to a Susan g Komen foundation golf tournament but we also provide clothes and food donations to the MS society as well as provide meds to terminally ill patients... if you yourself ahve never been in a situation to do such things then dont chastise others for tryn....

Dubios 1 your seeeds are fine. we have had no issues with them as most have been grower errrors who say there shit is perfect...and yes is ay this cuz we ahve teste the shit out of them same with the buddha tahoe and the rest of our fems... we grow them out as well...

we just had a cat talk shit about the buddha tahoe saying no og then he fixed his issues and bam staight dank og according to him... so best thing i can say is if your worried just watch them exta careful and dont do amateur moves like starting seed plants and flower them with a huge set on point garden...
ahhh man stinky your back on deez nuts ehhhh been a moment...was wondering whose nuts you were hanging off of

see people love to hate me cause im accessible and actually come on the boards...
ahhh man stinky your back on deez nuts ehhhh been a moment...was wondering whose nuts you were hanging off of

see people love to hate me cause im accessible and actually come on the boards...

In most cases I give you respect for it. Especially with the amount of people who look for opportunities to blast you.
I dont know your products, I am currently growing my first CC, but I see you are always willing to show up.