The vast majority of reasons why kids enter the foster care system has something to do with shitty parenting, so apply your meme to them, not the kids.

Plus, it has a lifespan. Kids leaving foster care get the payments for three years to help them transition into becoming "real men", despite the shitty hand they were dealt. If you don't do something to bridge the gap, you're far more likely to end up with more kids in the foster care system and probably making their way into prisons beyond that, all of which costs a lot more than $1000/mo.

The bill is sb739, in case you wanted to read more about it. The thread title is a little misleading, maybe intentionally to see who says what. I'd say you were hook, line & sinker'ed.
The vast majority of reasons why kids enter the foster care system has something to do with shitty parenting, so apply your meme to them, not the kids.

Plus, it has a lifespan. Kids leaving foster care get the payments for three years to help them transition into becoming "real men", despite the shitty hand they were dealt. If you don't do something to bridge the gap, you're far more likely to end up with more kids in the foster care system and probably making their way into prisons beyond that, all of which costs a lot more than $1000/mo.

The bill is sb739, in case you wanted to read more about it. The thread title is a little misleading, maybe intentionally to see who says what. I'd say you were hook, line & sinker'ed.

I don't have the right to forcibLy redistribute your property. You don't have the right to forcibly redistribute others property. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH.

Therefore, we, singly or plural can't delegate that nonexistent "nonright" to other people who call themselves "government' to implement.

Government is a shitty attempt to parent people and you should stop defending things that violate others rights. We should teach kids bullying is bad,.

If you want to help unfortunate children, you should support actual charity. not forcible redistribution, which has elements of slavery baked into it. Why do you support things that teach kids bullying and things that have elements of slavery in them are "solutions" ?
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If you want to help unfortunate children, you should support actual charity. not forcible redistribution, which has elements of slavery baked into it. Why do you support things that teach kids bullying and things that have elements of slavery in them are "solutuons" ?
I can rant . You can rant. Cali is trying to do something. You won't. I won't.
I can rant . You can rant. Cali is trying to do something. You won't. I won't.

Except my rants have a basis in logic. I haven't been exposed to enough of yours to determine the basis, but I am forming a suspicion your rants might not, since you alleged "Cali" is doing something, which I took as an allusion that it was positive. In other words, NO. Cali is fucking up, badly and you would be too if you support rights violations that involve forcible redistribution.

Logic insists, if you don't have a right to do something and force that something on other people, you are doing the wrong thing.

Also, I AM trying to do something. I am trying to end slavery and it's variants, rather than embracing force as a means to an end, I am exposing it.

Cali is doing the wrong thing. Doing the wrong thing, doesn't solve problems, it creates unintended consequences and fools idiots into thinking forcible redistribution is the same thing as actual charity. They are as distinctly separate as consensual sex and rape are.

"Cali" as a collective has no more right than any of the individual people within it. None of them have the right to bogart your shit, therefore they can't delegate that right to somebody else. it's impossible. If it isn't please explain how a nonexistent right can be delegated.
'Unintended consequences' of helping kids to not have to struggle as much when they should be gathering up as many skills as they can to help do the work we need done as a society?

I don't live in California, but if I did, those would not stop me from supporting this.

The problem - Children need help.

Your solution - Force people to help them, and create additional problems. (sanctify using initiatory force as a means to achieve a desired outcome)

My solution - Help them yourself if you are inclined to and don't teach them that taking from others is a solution, because it's wrong.

The problem - Billy hasn't been laid.

Your solution - Procure him an unwilling sex partner.

My solution - "Work on your game, Billy, and please get rid of the ski mask and handcuffs in the trunk of your car"
The problem - Children need help.

Your solution - Force people to help them, and create additional problems. (sanctify using initiatory force as a means to achieve a desired outcome)

My solution - Help them yourself if you are inclined to and don't teach them that taking from others is a solution, because it's wrong.
"Force" is a claim you are making based off your propaganda induced paranoid delusions man, that is on you to break out of your programming. Nobody is 'forcing' you to participate in the American society, you choose to do it and when you do benefit from the trade our society has built a portion of that goes back into the pot.

The rest of your post was just you being a troll again, which is a shocker, but utterly meaningless.
Gee Bob.

I'm a US citizen. I freely and without duress enter into agreement with the government to tax my income in order to fund projects which benefit not only myself but the greater good as a whole.

There, it's in writing. There's more of us than there are of you.

If government is spending my money to help a vulnerable population I'll pay double. Shit Bob, I'll pay your share just to not hear you whine.
The problem - Children need help.

Your solution - Force people to help them, and create additional problems. (sanctify using initiatory force as a means to achieve a desired outcome)

My solution - Help them yourself if you are inclined to and don't teach them that taking from others is a solution, because it's wrong.

The problem - Billy hasn't been laid.

Your solution - Procure him an unwilling sex partner.

My solution - "Work on your game, Billy, and please get rid of the ski mask and handcuffs in the trunk of your car"

This reminds me of the old give a man a fish versus teach a man a fish.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day

Teach a man to fish you get to have sex with his wife every weekend from then on.
I don't have the right to forcibly redistribute your property. You don't have the right to forcibly redistribute others property. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH.
So I take it you don't pay taxes.
Did you know that those children were also receiving social security but the state was taking it?
Payment for taking care of them.

Apparently your smarter than me. Explain how you would setup the system.
"Force" is a claim you are making based off your propaganda induced paranoid delusions man, that is on you to break out of your programming. Nobody is 'forcing' you to participate in the American society, you choose to do it and when you do benefit from the trade our society has built a portion of that goes back into the pot.

The rest of your post was just you being a troll again, which is a shocker, but utterly meaningless.

I'm disappointed that you are okay with forcing people, violating their consent, in a misguided effort to try to help kids.

If you want to help somebody, do it. Be a leader, don't be a master. Leaders, lead. Masters order and enslave.

If you want to TAKE from others, and then redistribute the proceeds, you still TOOK things which weren't yours. Isn't that wrong to do ? If it isn't please provide a list of the things you own and I will help find people who need them more than you do, deal? If you don't like it, leave "society".

Your preferred underlying principle is it's okay to violate consent. You should be ashamed of yourself and feel bad. Why don't you get involved in actual charity and stop using guns to force your ideas on other people ?
So I take it you don't pay taxes.
Did you know that those children were also receiving social security but the state was taking it?
Payment for taking care of them.

Apparently your smarter than me. Explain how you would setup the system.

So I take it, you don't know what a right is or isn't and are okay with using a gun to force your ideas on other people even if they aren't trying to force you to fund their ideas.

Could you please define robbery, rape and slavery and then explain how your ideas differ from those things ?

Which charities do you personally volunteer at ?
I'm disappointed that you are okay with forcing people, violating their consent, in a misguided effort to try to help kids.

If you want to help somebody, do it. Be a leader, don't be a master. Leaders, lead. Masters order and enslave.

If you want to TAKE from others, and then redistribute the proceeds, you still TOOK things which weren't yours. Isn't that wrong to do ? If it isn't please provide a list of the things you own and I will help find people who need them more than you do, deal? If you don't like it, leave "society".

Your preferred underlying principle is it's okay to violate consent. You should be ashamed of yourself and feel bad. Why don't you get involved in actual charity and stop using guns to force your ideas on other people ?
Your 'forced' bullshit has no power over me troll.

You are a tool of rich people trying to poison our society with your bullshit propaganda.
Apparently your smarter than me. Explain how you would setup the system.

I would not teach children that other people owe them a living. I would teach kids that they don't own other people or their justly acquired property and that they, the children, are due the same respect. I would start there.

I would not begin any system intended to help people, by forcibly removing choices that disrespect others rights. I endorse helping people, I do not endorse stealing your shit, to help somebody though. I don't have that right and neither do you.