Cali Orange - 400w hps coco grow


Just want to say howdy!
This is my first real grow,
I've grown before using cfls, it worked but not to my liking. Haha

Now I have a suitable house, I stepped up to a 400w and I'm really impressed!

Vegging with 130w CFL

Cali Orange seeds I got from a mate,
Coco medium using Canna Coco A&B
Canna PK 13/14

Grow is still current,
Please enjoy :)



Well-Known Member
Looks good so far!

You have any air flow in your grow area?

Also Iv read that cali orange is suposed to get pretty big so I havnt bought any beans lol. But I wanna fallow along and see how yours do!



Yeah I've got a fan the exhaust the hot air, however my temps are staying around 32C :/

It's a fan from the local hardware store,
On the box it says it moves 105cm/h (I thought it was cm/m when I got it)
My flower room is 800x500x1800 - 25.35 cubic feet

So I need a fan with a rating of 50CFM preferably 75CFM+

If you convert foot to metre,

CFM x 0.03 x 60

25.35 x 0.03 x 60 - 45.63 cubic metres (seems a little big)

Then my flower room needs a fan of 91.26cm/m


If you convert the CM/h to CM/m
Then the 105CM/h equals to 1.75CM/m
(1 m3/h = 0.016667 m3/min; 1 m3/min = 60 m3/h)

But convert the 1.75CM/m to CFM and it equals 61.8 CFM

So fucking confused!

Is my fan good enough? Hahah


Put an oscillating fan in the room the cabinet is in, drop the inside cab temp down to 29C
I can love with that!


Week 4 of flower,
Gave her 3 seperate feeds of pk 13/14 this week, hopefully she's starts to put on some weight soon. :)
Temps staying around 29-30C at the moment,
Outside temps around 35-40C

IMG_5535.JPG IMG_5536.JPG


Well-Known Member
Not so sure what is wrong but something is.

Some of the leaves look heat stressed, some look like they could have ph burn and some look like what could be the start of calcium def if not ph again or maybe lock outs from other things.

In the second picture I see you have a extraction pipe. You could lower it down on the right side of the light below the lights wire connection so it's slightly below the light hood and then it can suck hot air directly off the bulb/canopy if you can figure a way to point it toward the bulb. The small fan may be circulating hot canopy air. If you do lower the extract fan you could put the small desk fan on it's lowest setting pointing toward the extraction duct and gently push the air off the canopy and directly into the outtake. The passive intake below would then also be flowing at max capacity as it has no airflow from above circulating down to hinder it. If the canopy is getting too hot you could increase the desk fan speed or preferable the outtake fan speed if it has a higher setting.

Aside form that the other issues although I'm unsure of what they are would most likely be solved by properly mixed and ph'd feed with 20% run off each watering. Adding p/k atm is totally pointless as it does not seem the current feed or procedure you are feeding with is working. What is the feed you use and how much per watering?. I may not be to help with the details of that feed but somebody else might if not.