Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Maybe I'm just paranoid I thought 70/80 degrees was ideal for cannabis. 8 more degrees isn't a big deal huh? I think I might be trying to hard or at least thinking about it to much. I just want to do this right the frist time. I have alot more invested into this grow. Last year was my first grow and I was late in the year. This time I want to go pro lol.

No I haven't been spraying them. Never heard about it. Dose it dry up before the lights come on because I thought water magnifies the light and burns the plant? Just what someone told me once. I can't really spray them anyway. The lights don't go off until 12pm and I have to be in bed by 10 so I can wake up by 4 for work.

Not sure what I'm going to feed yet I was thinking the Fox Farms line up sounds good and I've heard good things about Advanced Nutrients although I can't find any around here. Last go I used Alaskan Fish Emulsion (5-1-1) and Alaskan Big Bloom (0-10-10?). It was super cheap so I think I got what I paid for but I also don't know how to read my plants yet. I just followed what the bottle said and I don't think it was enough. Oh and thanks for the killer grow comment it's reassuring to hear. I needed someone to tell me I was doing all right lol.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Day 19 and their already starting to shade eachother. I'm seriously thinking about movin shit around so I can bring them into the room. I'm gonna want to sex them soon probably in two days. That would be three weeks since they poped through the soil. I think I'll put the new seedling in another closet with some cheap fluorescent light until the others are done. I had no idea endo grew so fast!

Red Dragon in the back and Bubba Kush in the front.

Super Lemon Haze down the middle on the left, AK-47 in the back, and the Blue's up in front.


If heat is becoming a problem for you, you might want to look into providing CO2 into the room other than opening the closet daily during the light period for fresh air. When enough CO2 is provided to your plants, they can handle the higher temperatures.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
If heat is becoming a problem for you, you might want to look into providing CO2 into the room other than opening the closet daily during the light period for fresh air. When enough CO2 is provided to your plants, they can handle the higher temperatures.
Yeah I was thinking about using CO2 but I don't know where I'd pick up a tank. I kinda think it's overkill for just starting my outdoor crop. This shit is getting expensive. I need to stop being lazy and just spread them out into the room. I've been hesitant on doing this because I plan on sexing them soon which I'm hoping will slow growth long enough for it to warm up outside. Thanks for the tip though. I think I'll start looking at the price of a tank. Maybe pick one up if it's not to much.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Well three weeks today. I haven't measured them but their about 10"/12". I'm going to start lowering their light today until I hit 12/12. Then when they show their sex I'll either start walking them outside or increasing the indoor light to bring them back. Gonna look for some fertilizer then feed my next watering.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Day 23

Here's a pic of the yellow spotted SLH it's been growing real slow. What do you thinks up?

I've noticed some sticky wet substance on the leafs that are smashed against eachother. Plants sweating or somthing. Any thoughts?

Ganja Geek

Active Member
I've taken out the trays and made a big panafilm tray at the bottom of the closet. Now they are spread out more. No leafs smashing into eachother. I gave the SLH seedling to a friend with a 400 watt until the rest are done sexing. I plan on growing 6 of the babies in 3x3 holes and the other 8 in another plot in 2x2 holes. It's gonna cost about $600 for soil and I just found out the 5 gallon Fox farm's line up would run me $700 including the solubles. I just don't have the funds for this right now so Im considering an alternitve fert. Any suggestions?

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Tonight will be the forth day of 12/12. I can see some streching and a Red Dragon is starting to yellow at it's bottom leafs. From the tips inward. I haven't fed them yet so it could be a N deficiency. I'm going to give them Alaskan Fish Emulsion tomorrow when I water. They needed water today but I didn't have any fert. I'm also pretty sure they have become root bound. Roots are coming out of the drain holes. Water runs through them way faster and they want it more often.

Red Dragon


Well-Known Member
They look good man, i agree with you in that they're probably hungry due to the yellowing, I've noticed with my grows that in the first couple weeks of 12/12 they demand alot more then after that its smooth sailing.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
I fed the plants today a 1/2 a tbsp of Fish Emulsion (5-1-1) per gal. Do you think it's safe to use a veg fert during sexing? A friend of mine told me that if I feed them a flowering fert it would make them sex faster. But from what I could tell it looked like it needed more nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I actually use veg nutes for the first couple weeks of flowering in that i would always get yellowing like your getting when i dont, and my nutes ain't that bad, i think.