Cali Patients What If?


Well-Known Member
if you have a cali med card what if a sheriff decides to check on you and you have more plants then prescribed :o

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
this isnt a good idea....going over your limit is what makes med marijuana look bad, but depending on how the local police are,they might just take your extras...or they might try to be bitchs about it. best idea is too just see the guy who gave you the rec, and get him to write that you are allowed to grow more amounts of plants becuz of ur condition...i dont know how easy that would be though.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
How does a cop know that,I would think they need a warrant,to come in your house.
gotta think bout the outdoor growers too!:weed: my plants are in plain sight if a cop or anyone walks up a long flight of stairs...but not visible from the street.


Well-Known Member
and in cali 420 was rulled unconstiutional so unless you have a county card then you are not bound by the laws of 420


Well-Known Member
i live i n a tiny ass hick town noteven on the mabe 1 cop rolls through the main road every 2 weeks

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
i live i n a tiny ass hick town noteven on the mabe 1 cop rolls through the main road every 2 weeks
man id say just grow only a lil over the 10 more at the most...that way if the cops do roll dont look like a commercial grower or nuthin...


Active Member
Here's an email to NORML I wrote:

Hamburgular sent a message using the contact form at
>I was reading indybay and I came across this:
>It says the state limits were ruled unconstitutional, what does this mean
>for me as a medical patient? I can grow any number of plants? Does this
>ruling still apply?
>Thank you for any information.

I would say you could grow any reasonable amount of plants. Arguably,
if you've signed up for the voluntary ID card you are bound by the
limits in SB420, otherwise the courts have carved out reasonable
limits for personal use, see SB420
limits should protect you from arrest, you can make a case for other
amounts in court any may prevail.