Cali Price Per Pound these days?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If u can get a G per pound for some outdoor take it 700 sounds about right in the winter months.. This is cali buddy the main source of outdoor mj for the rest of the usa. 700 hundred if u know a guy or taking two!!


Well-Known Member
God im so glad its still illegal here lol. I have a 4x2 tent, and 1100 watt dimmable digital ballast, fans filters and everything and I'm planning on tripling the money I've spent my first grow.


im on the east coasst with no ''hook ups'' in california, i would expect to pay no more than 1700 per lb....that is just someone that doesnt know anyone in california just going there randomly so...1k for 1lb outdoor sounds about right to me, if you got a friend or buy in bulk then 700 is absolutley possible...not that i would ever sell mine that cheap im just saying...personally i get 3-4k per elbow, if we arent talking those numbers then we arent talking about it at all. JMO. good luck


Well-Known Member
im in cen cal & $750.00 per lb top notch outdoor obama bud was the going rate & blue dream is pretty common as well this year i wouldnt be surprised at $700.00 an lb around mid october


Well-Known Member
out door shit, sells for 500 to 1000 pound, average, indoor ( medical grade) the farmer should get a (min) 2250 . any less shut the grow down. no point, your time electric fertilizer. equipment , so on so . this is the low middle grade sold whole sale, and this is considered a great deal in mi, average here is 170 to 250 each ounce, and sold up to 550 a ounce. out door shit, is bought for 50 an ounce, every one harvesting all at once. bugs mold, quality, lower, usually , all above posted by my self is related to ghost chilly peppers, or its total bull shit not true. need a shit spreader to spread my bull shit ,


Well-Known Member
Im jelly im in eastern washington and if I tried I could prob get a pound for 1600$ cheapest...but id rather grow my own


Active Member
I was in California two months ago and was given a lb of just about the best stuff in the world..

Times they are a changin.. Myself for example, I haven't spent a penny on grass in years and I have not bought nor never sold any.

Grass to me has no monetary value. I grow what I want and toss the rest down the disposal. I've probably put well over 20 lbs down the disposal in the last 10 years or so. I certainly am not alone. I have no desire to make a single cent from grass.. heck, I wish I knew more people to give it to.

That is just me, but I am not all that unique these days.. long gone are the 'import' days and it is an at home market. If your neighborhood isn't saturated already, it will soon be, it's just a matter of time.