California Approves Recreational Marijuana Ballot Measure


Well-Known Member
Jesus, so much misinformation!

First off, marijuana is a very effective medicine for many people. If you use it, even just because you like to use it, that is a medical reason for using a beneficial drug.

Second, the AUMA will not have any negative affect on medical patients, it will actually enhance some of the provisions of Prop 215.

Third, and this is important, people are still getting busted for marijuana in California. The pigs are still busting in doors of homes and businesses, even for legal patients and legal businesses!

Hopefully AUMA will pass, and some of the sadistic shit being pulled by the pigs will stop.

basically this.

Southern California never got the memo that MMJ is legal, if this Prop 64 passes, it will at least eliminate their grounds for search based on smell or having cannabis.

So this will make MMJ patients life easier especially in SoCal

EDIT: Prop 215 is just a legal defense, which means the Sheriff can come to your home, smell MJ, walk right past all your medical recommendations, chop your whole harvest then charge you illegal growing crime. 90% of people or more will take the plea deal because they are scared or don't want to go through the whole legal system. Also, if you have any children, they will charge you will child endagerment and force you to a plea.

Sure, you take it to trial, and you can use 215 as a defense and probably win, but you still lose your whole crop and probably a few years time, and a crap load of lawyer fees. This law that will pass, makes it legal. So even if you had 1000 plants in your backyard, just if they smell MJ it means they can't get a search warrant since it is legal to have 6, and they can't prove you have 1000 and not 6. So this turns the table for law enforcement hardcore and will have a very big impact.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Do you feel the same way about people who brew their own beer? If they brew a certain amount it's considered commercial (as far as I know, that goes for pretty much any product made in the USA)

I don't really see any point to this conversation, I mean your line of reasoning is always just going to revert back to your libertarian philosophy anyway, so unless legislation gets passed that allows people to grow unlimited amounts of plants without having to pay taxes, you will always be against it no matter the language

Yeah, fuck me, I'm pretty predictable like that.


Well-Known Member
Now your assuming everyone in cali lives in an area where they can grow outdoors? Think again - outdoor ain't happening where I live unless you like smoking immature mold and bud rot :lol:
Ok, so what's your point? AUMA legalizes purchase and possession of pot for rec users. The post you replied to was somebody who felt that 6 plants was somehow restrictive for rec pot growers. That said, everybody can grow indoors under AUMA. So again, am I missing a pertinent point?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so what's your point? AUMA legalizes purchase and possession of pot for rec users. The post you replied to was somebody who felt that 6 plants was somehow restrictive for rec pot growers. That said, everybody can grow indoors under AUMA. So again, am I missing a pertinent point?
You clearly stated that an outdoor grow can produce X amount and I pointed out that your logic is flawed because not everyone had the option of growing outdoors.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
In you opinion, does liberty trump public safety?

For example, do you think blind people should be allowed to drive cars if they want?

That would depend on who owns the car and the particular road.

With involuntary means as the principle operating mode of government, "public safety" is continuously under threat.


Well-Known Member
I think that it will get twisted around again where we can't grow and they will try to make mj super expensive for everyone. So marijuana prohibition will continue because we are a gentle group of folks not likely to open fire on anyone. Right now I am growing legally 100% but I am betting that will change very soon. So back to illegal growing for us soon.. :( At least we can smoke our buds on the lawns of the assholes trying to capitalize off of us.

Been thinking of making smoke bombs out of my leaves instead of composting them.. Would be funny if I could get it to smolder for days and plant it in a choice location. (ah but I'm all talk aren't i)


Well-Known Member
1st blind guy: Vroom vroom (as he runs around making that sound) She's got a hemi.

2nd blind guy: :give me the keys you've been drinking

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Seriously though, can you not see very clearly how the libertarian philosophy fails in this example? You can't let blind people drive on roads, even if they own them, even if they own the car they're driving in because it endangers other people's lives. Public safety will always trump your liberty to put me or others at risk
