California Bound

Hi Guys and Gals,
Taking a trip to San Diego in Feb and was wondering if someone could hook me up with any good places to score. We here in KY hear that you guys in CA can smoke it in outdoor restaurants, is this true and where? I know you can't give names but maybe tell me where to hang out at for awhile. Since I'm from the 60's maybe there are some hippie places or something, Would really like to score tho. Thanks for any info, Jude


Well-Known Member
it's really easy to get pot here but you need a prescription and in order to get one you need an in state license. I would help you but I am not in SD. I am sure you won't have too hard of a time - it's everywhere.


Well-Known Member
How much should I expect to pay for it? I have a friend that has a friend that may hook me up.
I think you can pretty much pay what you want to pay. It's all about the shop you go to and the quality of the stuff you choose. I always opt fort he better stuff but you can get cheap stuff too ;) Some stores have deals on certain days where you can get a free stuff.