California Gubernatorial Recall Election


Well-Known Member
I am reading the pamphlets that accompany my ballot for this recall election.

I will be voting no on the recall, which I believe is an attempt by the Repugs to grab power in this state.
In fact, reading the statements of candidates who identify as Republican, I am seeing an almost closed phalanx of people who want to bring "Christian values" to the state's government. I read this as a codeword for MAGA loyalty.

But a recall election like this has an interesting wrinkle. The ballot has two questions. One is "recall y/n?"
The other is "favored alternate?"

I count 42 contenders for office should Newsom get recalled. I am certainly not going to vote for a Republican, since NOT ONE of them has distanced himself (Caitlin gets a different pronoun out of respect, but stands zero chance of getting my vote even though I identify as LGBTetc) from the orange satan.

The only viable candidate in the political center I see is Brandon M. Ross. He has my vote provisionally. I am asking the non-MAGA old guard in this subforum -

Do you have a reason I should choose another? Holly Baade tells us nothing about herself, so (penalty buzzer). Joel Ventresca (which is the name of a wonderful food) calls himself a Berniecrat, so a) too far to the left for me, and b) I doubt he will be able to lead because of that, without abandoning his stated politics. The remainder are fringies focusing on cannabis or the film industry, or stuff.

I welcome any opinions or rebuttals from all y'all.
The only reason this recall is happening is because it's vastly easier to get a Republican in office in California through a BS recall like this than through the actual race for Governor. They've given up on Democracy completely and just scam the system. Like how that GOP dark money group ran a fake candidate in a Congressional race in Florida with the same name as the Democratic candidate, peeling off enough votes to win. Now it's all out in the open and an investigation is taking place but guess what? The Republican is still in office, despite a stolen election. Newsom has his issues, but he's far from the worst governor in the country...Abbott...Desantis...and at least he won fair and square.
The only reason this recall is happening is because it's vastly easier to get a Republican in office in California through a BS recall like this than through the actual race for Governor. They've given up on Democracy completely and just scam the system. Like how that GOP dark money group ran a fake candidate in a Congressional race in Florida with the same name as the Democratic candidate, peeling off enough votes to win. Now it's all out in the open and an investigation is taking place but guess what? The Republican is still in office, despite a stolen election. Newsom has his issues, but he's far from the worst governor in the country...Abbott...Desantis...and at least he won fair and square.
I agree, but I am asking tactics. I will answer that second question. But I am soliciting opinions on that specific matter.
I've already voted NO and for Jacqueline McGowan.

I think this will be Republican strategy in the future. Legislate a recall provision in states that don't already have it, confuse voters with the plethora of candidates that will develop, including multiples of their own and take control with someone getting less than 10% of the vote. Senators and Representatives could be vulnerable, too. See where this is going?
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I've already voted NO and for Jacqueline McGowan.

I think this will be Republican strategy in the future. Legislate a recall provision in states that don't already have it, confuse voters with the plethora of candidates that will develop, including multiples of their own and take control with someone getting less than 10% of the vote. Senators and Representatives could be vulnerable. See where this is going?

It worked in Crimea.
VOTE "NO" people. Tell Fienstien to resign. Have Newsom appoint a replacement and then resign if exit polls look bad. Lieutenant Governor steps up and republicons lose.

Serious vote Cali people. Get out and do it.
OK Mcgowan voters.
Her writeup is single issue.

Tell me her policies on other important matters.

- Property and sales taxes
- Gun and ammo access
- Police violence
- Water supply issues
- Schools: infrastructure and equipment, equitable teacher pay
- That proposed bullet train

This isn't a traditional election. It's a back door to the governor's office, a scam. How many have been able to put forth their platform, debate and campaign? I chose McGowan because 1) she's Democrat, 2) she's pro cannabis, 3) she's female and 4) she beats my first inclination to write in Baba O'Riley. Do not waste that vote, as I nearly did. I'm still pissed at the Gray Davis recall that gave us Shwart, Shwahtz, Boogershwatzen, or watevah. This time, there's nobody with that name recognition. A line was drawn through every Repulsivecan, or Libertarian, narrowing the choices.
Just curious. If enough people vote to recall Newsom, I get that he's tossed out.

What if the highest percentage of votes for replacement is "nobody", meaning a blank ballot ?

Isn't it possilbe to want to toss Newsom and NOT replace him? How is the will of those people expressed?
So all it takes is 12% of butt hurt losers to trigger an redo? I’m sorry if I don’t get it but WTF!!! I guess I better start reading to understand the fuckery of this lol.
Yes. Of the states that have the recall provision, a few require just 10%, a few more with just 15%, but the majority are 25%, or more.

States with gubernatorial recall provisions - Ballotpedia

That's just gubernatorial recall. California calls for any elected official, except judges, I believe, and that is where it's going to affect the Congress and overturn the will of the people, since Repulsivecans cannot win without cheating. They'll no longer need the majority to win.
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