California: the sunshine state


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd, check out Menard's, they have a greenhouse for like 130. It is a metal frame with opaque white covering. Dimensions are 8x8x6.5 It's really nice for the price. It's on clearance right now because it is a discontinued item, I just picked one up.


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd, check out Menard's, they have a greenhouse for like 130. It is a metal frame with opaque white covering. Dimensions are 8x8x6.5 It's really nice for the price. It's on clearance right now because it is a discontinued item, I just picked one up.

we don't have that here. i looked online and saw a store locator but no online ordering.:cry:


Well-Known Member
is Yardbirds still around? They used to sell stuff like that.My dad used to make wooden pyramid frames and then cover em in black plastic..he would throw em over the plants.These were only about 4 ft. tall plants though.


Well-Known Member
is Yardbirds still around? They used to sell stuff like that.My dad used to make wooden pyramid frames and then cover em in black plastic..he would throw em over the plants.These were only about 4 ft. tall plants though.
i like that idea. maybe big PVC and plastic boxes.


Well-Known Member
i felt dumb tonight when i noticed the moon, i was like hey wow the moon is the same here as at fdd's place, lol i suppose the moon is the same everywhere in this side of the world...


Well-Known Member
i felt dumb tonight when i noticed the moon, i was like hey wow the moon is the same here as at fdd's place, lol i suppose the moon is the same everywhere in this side of the world...

rflmao, see how close we all really are? :peace:


i seriously just exclaimed "oh my god!!!" when i saw that pick

maybe cuz i'm drunk

but i really said it... lol...

good growin my friend!!!


Well-Known Member
have you ever literally hidden inside a plant though? i hide from my wife all the time. she has to try to find which one i'm hiding "IN".