--*CALI'S Bong Rip Thread*--


Well-Known Member
I apologize Cali for hi-jackin your thread.....although I am passionate about this and would love to tear Bam Bam's response to pieces.....I will show restraint.....and in the spirit of this thread.....Take several giant bong hits...


Well-Known Member
Fuck yo! The weed is STRONG! Those two hits made my head throb! I know have the shakes a bit and I boke a sweat. Just got the Grapefruit. Listening to Joker Smoker still the song is like seven minutes long. got danm I'm high My best rip vid yet I say.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks people.....until then I envy you all...No rosta bongs? crazy zongs? Rookies? Wisker splitters and whisslin bung holes?