Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.


Well-Known Member
holy shit.. your girl grows too? fuck it.. my mind is made up.. im movin to cali... my sister is terminal.. she has a prescription for marinol and we live in FL... so does that mean she would be able to grow in cali? if so im going to tonight, telling my sister to pack her morphine patches and her moo moo's and takin my ass over the west side
she can find the relief she seeks in california. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
naw 70 was 45 before I started using the 1000 watter and all the it's 70..

thats crazy dude.. im so used to payin $180 bills and that being cheap compared to other people in south florida... $300 bills here are not uncommon.. i used to pay about $80.. but we are still paying for "disaster relief" from hurricanes katrina and wilma... we went for 2 weeks without power here and FP&L (our light co. ) had to spend millions to fix it... they of course passed that bill to us...


Well-Known Member
thats about the same as here.. im payin $1300 but im in luxury condos ........ some pimp shit... gotta love the beaches man. . .
thats nuts how cheap the elec is tho.. our cable is $150 a month too.. thats with internet of course// so add that up and throw in the water bill im lookin at almost $1700 a month. . damn im glad im a skilled tradesman;; flippin burgers wouldnt fund a "PC Grow" let alone pay a bill


Well-Known Member
everything looks great, and love the avatar. thats a classic movie lol.
speaking of classic movies.. Masta how come you havent stopped by my movie thread and made any requests? im sure u u can think of somethin i been forgetting to remember to recall...


Well-Known Member
alright I took 5 clippings for now...we will see if they root...2 lavenders, 2 strawberry coughs and a cherry bomb


Well-Known Member
Can wait to see how they turn out!!! Love the video, everybody should do them, you are a busy guy Cali, posting Trenton pics, growing and video What is the max amount of female you can have under a 1000w? You and Trenton friends? You two meet in person, if so thats sooo cool, i would never get the courage to meet someone IRL.... But when its legal, i will be meeting everyone in my area.


Well-Known Member
if you keep them small you can do 15-25...just get the conditions right and flower early...I like to keep them as uniform as possible...makes it a lot easier in the end...and yes Trenton is my buddy...he doesn't live too far from me...