calling ALL CRITIQUES!! tiny op, 1st timer.


Active Member
I've germinated seeds for the hell of it many times but this is my first time actually planting a seedling. I dug about 1/8" with my pinky and dropped her in with the knot at the top (as much as possible). Watered enough to cause some fair collapses, then sprinkled about a 1/8" mound of damp, fine/thin soil on top of the seedlings location.

For now I have to use this temporary lamp with just one CFL until I get my box ready. Its a 23w "daylight" that puts out 1600 lumens and I have it less than 2" above the soil, planning to run 20/4 until a day or two after it sprouts out of the soil. Later though for veg will be at least two of those lightbulbs with reflectors and a 16 or 18 cycle.

Oh also I mixed in several small gravel stones hoping it will help with drainage, apart from 4 slits at the bottom of the cup.

ANY SUGGESTIONS at all to help ensure she sprouts out of the soil? I'm worried. :neutral: I wanted to place another clear cup over top for humidity but I figure that would be too far a distance for a CFLs light penetration.

Also, is it alright to do 24h lighting until it sprouts out of the soil? And bottled spring water room temp. is fine, no?

My sincere apologies but I'm just really eager because I vowed not to smoke until I have homegrown harvest. :roll: I appreciate any effort/help.

With love (just 1).



Well-Known Member
if it hasn't sprouted yet the light is not neccesary keep the soil moist and in a week you should have a sprout

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Make sure you have a fan circulating air and it is not like 100 degrees inside that cup. You can run 24/0 for all of veg if you want or for just the first few days. Just make sure if you have a dark period that it is completely dark with no light leaks or interruptions. I have never used a humidity dome for seedlings and don't think they are necessary. Best of luck -/\/\ared


Active Member
if it hasn't sprouted yet the light is not neccesary keep the soil moist and in a week you should have a sprout
wow for real?!?! for sure?!?! it won't even help? should I add the second cup for humidity then or will that cause too much moisture since I just watered and stuff?

i'm not sure why but this is fairly shocking to me...:o:!: ive been reading up on this stuff for a couple years now but unfortunately I have yet to find specific step by step instructions for "wet towel germination" to "soil planting".

and by the way, I just dropped the seedling in not an hour ago, so yeah. Def no stem/sprout yet, just the one root from germ.


Active Member
guys guys... sry but to clear up i HAVE INDEED germinated it took longer than other seeds but yeah that one little root cracked out of the seed via wet paper towel method.


Well-Known Member
how would it use the light if it doesn't have leaves? i dont mean to sound rude right there. also there is no need for a humidity dome when there are no leaves.


Active Member
how would it use the light if it doesn't have leaves? i dont mean to sound rude right there. also there is no need for a humidity dome when there are no leaves.
yeah makes sense, understood. And it probably isn't more than like 76 degrees in there. Fan I will have in the box... intake at the bottom, exhaust at the top leading into co2. Both cpu fans.

wow so it'll sprout out of soil without light eh.. so much for my last minute trip to the store before they closed. Damn lamp.


Active Member
wow for real?!?! for sure?!?! it won't even help? should I add the second cup for humidity then or will that cause too much moisture since I just watered and stuff?

i'm not sure why but this is fairly shocking to me...:o:!: ive been reading up on this stuff for a couple years now but unfortunately I have yet to find specific step by step instructions for "wet towel germination" to "soil planting".

and by the way, I just dropped the seedling in not an hour ago, so yeah. Def no stem/sprout yet, just the one root from germ.
wet paper towels cause root damage. fyi


It's already germed and in soil so light is good. Humidity cup not necessary after germing. Keep the light as close as you can and it will grow...also if that is a clear cup then you should put it something opaque so no light hits the roots when they grow to the edges of the cup. BOL on your grow!!!


Well-Known Member
^^no they dont
^the light is completly unnecesary
your setup sounds fantastic! i suggest getting a thermometer and a humidity meter,


Active Member
wet paper towels cause root damage. fyi
i wouldn't be surprised, but my previous seeds that germinated looked plump and juicy compared to this one (that one root). Thats why I'm worried I think. I do have a backup though at least and they're both supposed to be feminized. God knows what strain though. :joint: