
Well-Known Member
Can i use garden tone5-3-3 protekt through flower stage and get good buds or is espona 3-5-3?? Which is easiest and best to use because I baught all AN NUTRIENTS

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Can i use garden tone5-3-3 protekt through flower stage and get good buds or is espona 3-5-3?? Which is easiest and best to use because I baught all AN NUTRIENTS
I don't think they're telling you to not use your Advanced Nutrients that you have already, what everybody is saying is that if this is your first grow you shouldn't have wasted your money on all those nutrients when there's more important things to focus on when you're just starting out. Always remember when you're new to something K.I.S.S, which means keep it simple stupid.


Well-Known Member
I understand but when doing research on how to grow its more ppl that seemed like they were using nutrients and now since I have a page its everyone that don't use nutrients letting me know i made the wrong decision now im stuck trying to figure out what to do now or order now that is easy to use i hear jacks 20/20/20 garden tone protekt and plant tone and bat guano which is the best to use for beginners?
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Well-Known Member
I understand but when doing research on how to grow its more ppl that seemed like they were using nutrients and now since I have a page its everyone that don't use nutrients letting me know i made the wrong decision now im stuck trying to figure out what to do now or order now that is easy to use i hear jacks 20/20/20 garden tone protekt and plant tone and bat guano which is the best to use for beginners?
Advanced Nutrients are not for the beginner generally speaking. Since you have them use their nutrient calculator . Point is there are endless feeding schemes. I personally will not use the brightly colored bottled nutes. I grow the easiest & cheapest way possible.

Most every stage of growing has a lot to do about what your growing environment is. If you're growing in a cabinet your setup will be alot different than a warehouse grow.

So what are you growing in?
You mentioned 2 liter containers, is that soil or passive hydro?
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Well-Known Member
I have a closet grow thanks for the nutrient calculator im using Mylar film all over and i plan to update pictures and keep everyone updated throughout this process im just stuck trying to figure out should I just say fuck my AN nutrients and get jacks 20/20/20 or plant tone 3/5/5 protekt or bat guano i want good strong fluffy buds i have 23watt 6500k for veg and early?? flowers 150w hps the rest off...what i need tto know is what is the easiest? And do i need calmag and overdrive still? And im using 3gal pots ffof pearlite, espoma dolamyte lime
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East End Grow

New Member
20150628_105428.jpg 20150725_091221_Richtone(HDR).jpg Hey Indicoxy. I also started my herbies Northern light auto and paradise seeds Delahaze around june 26th with a t5 4x2 then switched to a 600w mh at week 4. Started using AN connoisseur grow at week 2. Northern lights on left Delahaze on right