Calyx or Balls?


Active Member
Hey guys, I noticed this a couple days ago but it hasnt changed at all and its the only one i can find on the entire plant. Although right behind it there is a calyx with 2 white hairs poking out. Just want some opinions

IMG_3384.jpgWhat is this?
IMG_3386.jpgThe 2 hairs right behind it.

I realize this isnt a full blown male, its starting to bud everywhere with hairs at each site. Just not sure what this one thing is, seems a bit fatter than the other calyx. Am i paranoid i have a herm?


brewing up

Well-Known Member
it looks it to me but giv it a few more days to be sure and post another pic and if its just the 1 then yeah just pull it off but watch out for more


Active Member
it looks it to me but giv it a few more days to be sure and post another pic and if its just the 1 then yeah just pull it off but watch out for more
Thanks for your opinion man I appreciate it. Ive been keeping a very close eye on it giving a thorough look everyday dont see any that look like that one. Shes 45 days old today. I saw the white pistils day 43 and noticed this thing day 42. Ill see what shes looking like at week 7 and post up a pic.
day45 (1).jpgday45 (2).jpgday45.jpg it would be too sad to see her go :-(
What do you mean toss it? Nothing wrong with a hermie. It's going to be an epic smoke and you will end up with nice feminized seeds.

Hermie is a win/win unless you are selling your produce. If it's for your own use, give it love and you'll be rewarded twice.


Active Member
If this is the only "ball" is it still a hermie? Or is it just fucked up looking lol. Its the only plant ive got going right now so i def dont want to chop it, put so much time and money to cut. Its just unfortunate if it seeds! Im going to see what this thing does in the next couple days. If it changes ill pluck it and see how it goes i guess!


New Member
If it is all you are growing them simply pull any male flowers and continue to grow it out and watch it closely . It could straighten out and appear fine or it may wait to throw pollen .. There are many variables that induce this and it all depends to be honest if it is worthwhile or not , time will let you know ..


Active Member
Thanks everyone. Its just my second grow, first real grow with time and money put into it, and not a bagseed strain. Ill pluck any male flowers i see


Well-Known Member
I agree with Tratrahydro if shes a hermie & you got all the time invested, grow it out. Ive smoked some killer hermie bud. Does not make a good yield but bud will be good if ya got good genitics...


Active Member
I don't want seeds at all, that's still the only looking ball on the plant. every other calyx has 2 white pistils coming out


Then pluck the male flowers unless they become overbearing. Then chop or move it away.from the garden then youll get fem seeds did it receive any fluctuations in photoperiod cuz that could.have caused it to herm


Active Member
Everythings been great. Only thing that happened during her life was in veg 24 days from seed (i switched 12/12 day 36) was a slight pH problem causing a wilt, but thats taken care of shes looking happy everyday.

I picked it off just in case but it seemed like nothing. My flowers are notibly changing (smell too) and there are no other "ball type things" on the plant.

Only possible thing that has been wrong latley was my temps being 29-30C because of adding extra lighting(84-86F) but ive fixed that, got another fan. Ill def being growing it out, I do believe i was just paranoid from this. Unless it pops more soon down the road, ill find out soon. Thanks for everyones input


I ran that strain awhile back from Barneys and all the plants did weird shit. For me I got 5 different phenos out of five. I've also seen where other growers have had some weird plants from the feminized LSD seeds. Now that is not saying that all Barneys LSD seeds were unstable, but from my home work I found that their were many different phenos and that is does have a tendency to be unstable. FWIW. I'd just keep growing it and see what progresses. Like the others have said, you should still end up with some pretty good smoke. Good luck...