camo leaves

I dont have a camera at the moment but ill try to get one, one of my 3 preflowering girls are starting to get a camo look to them, the leaves have been dark green since a sprout but lately theyre getting light green recedding into the dark, and the dark green looks shiny whereas the light is not, anybody have any idea as to why that is?


Depends, you can Google it, there are a few help pages with pictures. It could be a simple deficiency.

What's your setup? Bulbs, how many, soil or water, how big are your pots, how old are the girls and feeding schedule? Those sort of details would help anyone in this forum help you.

I have 5 26w 2700 cfls, im getting 3 42w 2700k, theyre in 3 gallon pots but im gonna get 5 gallon buckets tomorrow and Im using the most frowned upon soil on RIU Miracle Grow.
I havent had any additional nutrients, mostly trying to keep the plants alive through these shitty miracle times.
Its weird, some are curling down and inwards, but other leaves are turning up and curling, along with the brown spots that are occuring now... NExt grow im using better soil... Maybe somehow my soil got higher concentration than it was supposed to. idk whatever shit happens