Can a plant have to much P.A.R. in veg or just run it Max ?

Thanks for input gogo running mixture soil of coco-loco and FFocean forest 50/50 auto nutrient system just dont want to give them a Moon tan with the roi-e680 its capable of 1400 umol
You can inch the lights closer, a little each day, until you see signs of light stress. You can definitely overdo it and fry the plants. Above 900 umol/(s x m^2) ppfd you're getting diminishing returns for extra light intensity on the canopy. That is about 56000 lux on a 3500k CRI LED (if you use a lux meter). I run my lights so that the highest reading (during flower) at the highest point on the canopy is 52000 lux. During veg I max it at 50000 lux at the highest point.

When you're growing outdoors, when the sun is directly overhead in summer, its upwards of 120,000 lux over 2000 on ppfd, but that only lasts for a couple hours.
I'd advice a lot of care on re high intensity in veg your first go with a high intensity led. Especially if your nutes are in the soil
You may wanna have some calmag or Epson handy. It's easy to freak your plants with leds, especially in veg, well at least for us.

Also read up on DLI daily light integral (I think?)
It goes into how much total light will handle at set points of development.
I’m a huge proponent of Bruce Bugbee. As he states in this video, “cannabis is a race car that can go incredibly fast”.
As long as the remaining cardinal parameters adjust accordingly, with the increase of light.

¡Sí! Se discute DLI
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contaba que la subirias...te gusto la que modifique...ehhhh me alegro vieras la diferencia con la original...

pero algun dia espero una modificacion a estas con mas info.... venga atrevete... info tienes...o no?...
Mas info.
This shows the average DLI in the given month in different regions of the US. In other places in northern hemisphere you can get a good approximation by matching a location on your latitude.
contaba que la subirias...te gusto la que modifique...ehhhh me alegro vieras la diferencia con la original...

pero algun dia espero una modificacion a estas con mas info.... venga atrevete... info tienes...o no?.
I do not, my reference info is small. You have great resources, thanks for sharing!
View attachment 4902481

maybe you and others bros ...must pay special atention to this chart...

View attachment 4902483

View attachment 4902465

you can obtain 36 DLI on various PPFDs...if you look the chart...

but look at the hours apliqued...on 18...vegetative stage... and 12 hours floration stage... normal hours of use...

then 36 its a bit "extreme" to my POV...and other charts linked...


I thought the same thing, myself.

Might be beginner’s luck, but I went all in under Bugbee’s recommended growing medium of 50% peat / 50% vermiculite. All under LED with his reco 20-10-20 fertilizer.

Right out of the gate, as soon as the seedling sprouted, I had 1000 μmol on her both throughout veg and reproductive.
My first grow was Blue Mystic. Not sure if that gave me some rookie forgiveness but after watching a lot of Bugbee videos, I felt pretty comfortable with the parameters.

should also clarify. Growing 2 plants in a 2x4x5 tent. No added CO2.

Ps. I too, want to visit the Canary Islands!
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the recomended cure are the quicly regular seeds....said me and old friend...long time ago....
...siempre le gustaron las variedades rapidas de semillas regulares.... este amigo cultivaba los machos aparte... le sacaba partido a las semis regulares...para hacerse sus cruces y sus semis... ya no lo tenemos con nosotros...pero me recordastes a el por un momento... ahora con las tecnicas de interior para acelerar el cultivo...el lo hubiese flipado ...aun mas rapidas? lol.......ya lo flipare yo un dia de estos...cuando cultive en interior.... no llevo

prisa que tenia siempre en probar nuevas cosillas de calidad que fumar....quien no?...pero el era un fumon...fumon...
I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.
He must have been one hell of a guy if I resembled him. Probably a good looking guy? : p
I live on the west coast of Canada and would love to grow outdoors but it's not that feasible, at least for me.
Total respect to you and to those who grow under the sun.
You live in one of the best places to grow outdoors.