can a plant stop growing as a seedling without dying?


Active Member
Hey everyone, I started growing eight seedlings in a rubbermade box with 5 100W (5600k) CFL's a week ago tomorow. I'm using two computer fans for intake and out and the same pots/soil for all eight plants. seven of them are the same size and hieght, growing perfectly with two distinct sets of fan leaves, but one of the eight hasn't grown any further then the seedling stage. It has the flat flase leaves (which came up at the same time as the others) but no fan leaves have appeared and it doesn't seem they ae going to. The really wierd thing is that the plant isn't dying, the leaves are a normall color green and there are no signs of plant problems or root damage. Is it possible for a plant to stop growing completely at this point without actually dying? The only solution I can think of is this since they are from bag seed, it may be a strain that takes a lot longer to develop. But I've never heard of a plant going six days without any sign of the first fan leaves. Anyone had this happen before?

p.s. im running lights 24 hours


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I started growing eight seedlings in a rubbermade box with 5 100W (5600k) CFL's a week ago tomorow. I'm using two computer fans for intake and out and the same pots/soil for all eight plants. seven of them are the same size and hieght, growing perfectly with two distinct sets of fan leaves, but one of the eight hasn't grown any further then the seedling stage. It has the flat flase leaves (which came up at the same time as the others) but no fan leaves have appeared and it doesn't seem they ae going to. The really wierd thing is that the plant isn't dying, the leaves are a normall color green and there are no signs of plant problems or root damage. Is it possible for a plant to stop growing completely at this point without actually dying? The only solution I can think of is this since they are from bag seed, it may be a strain that takes a lot longer to develop. But I've never heard of a plant going six days without any sign of the first fan leaves. Anyone had this happen before?

p.s. im running lights 24 hours
Did anything happen to it that would stress it?
And i had 1 that was like that but it started to grow a week and a half later because something rolled on it and made it stressed.


Active Member
in the first 2 weeks of seedling growth, the majority of the plant growth will be in the root system, dont stress too much, if its still alive then that means it will eventually grow. my seedling went a week without changing at all and just recently took off. be patient, make sure ur not overwatering or something


Active Member
cool. thanks GigEM, I figured it would eventually grow just wanted to be sure before I wasted the space on it.

to MentalChild- as far as I know it has been in the exact same conditions as the other and completely non-stressed. They went right from germinating in a towel to the pots they are in now and I never move them, just turn as necessary and water. In addition, I water all eight the exact same amount daily and there are no signs of over watering on any of the plants so I don't think that could have done it. Maybe I touched the root when I was potting them or somehting. We'll see what happens.