Can a simple ass setup work?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
yes it can work

but u need to change some things 1 the film on the 2 open sides (not walls ) u do need to hang film .......just account for the planters and the height of the light
means when u put up the film keep it from touching the ground completely and keep the light slightly above the film .......this will make a air flow path air will come in and the hot air will raise out.....u do need a small fan in there blowing around to remove IR heat from the leaves

other then that just rem to try to not to smoke around the plants as the smoke can clog up the plants

i started off with CFLs.....if u really want a good plant u should invest in a 300w led one of the generics will work for like 100 bucks.......if u like it then u can upgrade the gear to something better and use the old stuff as support gear if u make monsters
He already has something better than a generic 300 watt LED. Smoking clogs the plant, ok I guess that could happen but my lab is my smoking room and my plants don't seem to mind :).


Active Member
About 4 weeks into veg from transplant and theyre looking great. Nice and bushy and quite a few tops and sides shooting up to a nice even canopy.

Only issue is a few flies, not gnats but the skinny little black ones that start with an "M"
Anyways....anyone know any cheap organic ways to get rid of em before theres more?


Active Member
BTW, a little info on the medium i used subcools mix with roots original and it let it cook for about 2 months, i placed on the bottom half and mixed the top half with roots greenlite and a little blackgold organic potting soil on top.... i feed only with OG Tea's VSS and RWstar in PH'd water for veg and for flower i have used AN's Big Bud, Bud Candy, and Overdrive in half doses but thinking of just maybe using compost teas and some Hi Brix molasses this go around.


Active Member
Also have some water soluble potassium sulfate to bring out the lemon flavor in the Alien OG but not sure if it's a good idea to feed with...