Can any old-timers or historians shed some light on the BOEL?


Well-Known Member
I could use some help. I'm researching the BOEL and am coming up empty. This is about it on the internet. Maybe someone can help me fill in the gaps (actually giant gaping chasm) in my knowledge? I like to know the history of what I'm growing.

"'Skunk' was initially a name for a strong smelling line of hybridised and acclimatised Pure Sativas grown in California by the Mother Earth communes in the mid to late 60s. I believe these where all South American lines in the genetic mix."
"Just like Haze, Skunk was a generic term used in these ME communes. BOEL marketed crops sold as Skunk prior to 1970..enterprising seed dealers utillised the names to reflect el primo products of the day, just as happens now.."

A pure Sativa that smelled like Skunk? California Communes growing Skunk in the early 60's?
Haze a generic name? BOEL grew very small amounts of weed, mostly in Hawaii.
The name Original Haze was made up by R.L. around 1970, I made up the Skunk #1 name. People did offer herbal Cannabis with the description skunky, indica, kush, afghani, but no one had the seeds to offer, except the BOEL, but they did not understand breeding or conservation. Most of the seeds they traded were imported Landraces or unstable hybrids and are gone today. They were hybridized out of existence.


Well-Known Member
BOEL were also known as the Hippy Mafia.

They smuggled weed, hash from all over the world, starting in the 60s.

They were the 1s to manufacture LSD under the name Sunshine. Starting in 69.

Its also not true that all of their genes are gone. Its true some are now hybridized, and also clone only. But they are still around.

Clackamas COOT

Swami Organic Seeds

Mountain Organic Seeds still have some of these genes.

Swami was given the Original Mr Greengenes 1979 IBL Cherry Bomb/Maui Wowie before Mr GG died.

Verdant Green also has the Genes. These guys are the ONLY2 to have the original IBL genes.

Swami also has the Original RKS bred to clone only Blue Orca ( Highland Blue Thai/Kandahar Afghani ).

Swami Will Have the IBL RKS in the spring. It was clone only, and was hybridized 30 years in Guadalajara, and is now IBL.

DJ Short from what I understand also got many of his original genes from BOEL/BEL.

I’m not an old timer, here anyways started my first grow 10/13/17
3 electric lemon g
3 Cambodian Thai x Boel Skunk
This thread caught my eye for obvious reasons, but I must say I love learning history. Pretty cool to learn about what’s growing in my basement


Well-Known Member
Awesome stuff! Thank you, all. You've given me a foot in the door to further my quest for history. I was a child of the 70s and killed a lot of brain cells back then but the Brotherhood of Eternal Love def sparks a few synapses.
I was gifted a pack of seeds by a friend of family on an island in the Pacific. He says these strains trace their island history back into the 60's and have been grown there ever since. I'm looking forward to seeing what these seeds produce.

houseofwax, is this what you're growing?

Awesome stuff! Thank you, all. You've given me a foot in the door to further my quest for history. I was a child of the 70s and killed a lot of brain cells back then but the Brotherhood of Eternal Love def sparks a few synapses.
I was gifted a pack of seeds by a friend of family on an island in the Pacific. He says these strains trace their island history back into the 60's and have been grown there ever since. I'm looking forward to seeing what these seeds produce.

houseofwax, is this what you're growing?

View attachment 4037829


Well-Known Member
I am on such a killer journey of discovery with this. I was a teen in Long Beach in the 70's and surfed from Santa Monica south, so watching the Kirkley interview on the making of the Orange Sunshine documentary brings back some good memories. Back then I was an importer of small quantity high-value commodities after a summer spent in Thailand.


Well-Known Member
I've gone completely down the rabbit hole. My searches have taken me to old threads on the THCF forums and into old Overgrow forum stuff. The history on strains and breeders is mind boggling.
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Well-Known Member
Breeders Retail Catalogue Update
A few people have asked that I post up an updated catalogue here at IC.

So here it is

If anything takes your fancy and you'd like to make an order then you can reach me at -


Breeders Retail aims to offer a range of rare, sought after cannabis genetics to our discerning clients. We will endeavour to give great customer service along with timely dispatch of orders.

Please keep in mind that we are just starting out and would be grateful if you could ask all questions concerning characteristics of the varieties on sale at the relevant forums. Please keep all incoming questions strictly to do with orders for the time being. Many Thanks.

How To Order
We offer payment by Bitcoin or cash in the mail.
Follow the instructions below for the payment option you wish to use.

  1. Make your choices, add up the total (including P+P), convert the grand total to Bitcoin and return email to along with a Safe Addy.
  2. Your order and calculations will be checked and then you will be sent an email with a Bitcoin address to transfer payment.
  3. After you have sent payment please email Breeders Retail notifying payment has been sent.
  4. When payment has been received in full your order will be dispatched and you will be notified.

Cash in the Mail
  1. Make your choices, add up the total (including P+P), and return email to along with a Safe Addy.
  2. We will then make sure your choices are available and reply with confirmation plus a mailing address to send funds.
  3. Once your funds have been received we will then ship as soon as possible giving you notification of shipment.
All orders will be shipped via regular mail.Within Europe - P+P$15. Outside of Europe – P+P $20

We will accept no return of goods.

Chimera Seeds

Lullaby x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $50 -------- 10 seeds / $100
High Test x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $80 -------- 10 seeds / $150
Congolese x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $60 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Cheese x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Citra Paradiso (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Hawaiian Spice (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Island Purps x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Lemon Cello (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Master Kush x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Mental Floss x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Schnazzleberry #3 (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Simply Irresistible (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Silver Taco x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
Sour D x Sweet Skunk (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100
SS XL (FEM) 5 seeds / $55 -------- 10 seeds / $100

Blockhead Hybrids (Regular)

Bubba x BH 10 seeds / $75
Cheese x BH 10 seeds / $75
Congo x BH 10 seeds / $75
Dom x BH Schnazzleberry #4) 10 seeds / $75
Mental Floss x BH 10 seeds / $75
Medina x BH 10 seeds / $75
Melodious x BH 10 seeds / $75
Hash Plant x BH 10 seeds / $75
Incense Haze x BH 10 seeds / $75
King x BH 10 seeds / $75
Lullablox (CBD Rich) 10 seeds / $75
Pure Kush x BH 10 seeds / $75
Silver Taco (SLK) x BH 10 seeds / $75
Soulshine x BH 10 seeds / $75
Sour Diesel x BH 10 seeds / $75
Warlock x BH 10 seeds / $75

Jack Hybrids

Bubba x Jack 10 seeds / $60
BC OG x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Incense Haze x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Hash Plant x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Jack Pine 10 seeds / $60
King x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Melodious Funk x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Nepalese Temple x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Purple Kush x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Island Purps x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Silver Taco x Jack 10 seeds / $60
Sweet Skunk x Jack 10 seeds / $60
White Lotus x Jack 10 seeds / $60

Blueberry Hybrids

Highland Mexican x Blueberry F2 10 seeds / $60
C-Plus 10 seeds / $80
Dolce Sativa 10 seeds / $75
Fighting Buddha 10 seeds / $65 (Sale!)
GF x BB 10 seeds / $75
Mental Floss 10 seeds / $75

Chem D Hybrids

C99 x ChemDbx 10 seeds / $80
Grapefruit x ChemDbx 10 seeds / $80
Insence Haze x ChemDbx 10 seeds / $80
NL#2 x ChemDbx 10 seeds / $80
RoadkillSkunk x ChemDbx 10 seeds / $80

Tom Hill Rare Cannabis Seed (Regular)

Tom Hill's Haze 10 seeds / $100

Cannacopia (Regular)

Bubba x C99 10 seeds / $30
BC Warlock x C99 10 seeds / $30
Chunky Monkey x C99 10 seeds / $30
Harmony x C99 10 seeds / $30
HoneyDew Haze x C99 10 seeds / $30
Hash Plant x C99 10 seeds / $30
Jack Herrer x C99 10 seeds / $30
OG x C99 10 seeds / $30
Purple K x C99 10 seeds / $30
Seedsman Haze x C99 10 seeds / $30
BC Roadkill Skunk x Deep Chunk 10 / seeds / $50
Deep Chunkolate 10 seeds / $50

Sam Skunkman's Cultivators Choice (Regular)

Ancestral Skunk #1 - Batch 2 - 100 seeds / $60
Thai/Haze x Skunk #1 20 seeds / $35
Sleestack x Skunk #1 10 seeds/ $60
Original Haze x Skunk #1 10 seeds/ $60
Haze#5 x Original Haze/Skunk #1 10 seeds / $65
Haze/Mexican x Original Haze/Skunk#1 10 seeds / $65
White Widow x Skunk #1 10 seeds / $60
White Rhino x Skunk #1 10 seeds / $60
Pot of Gold x Hindu Kush (FEM) 5 seeds /$50 -------- 10 seeds /$90


BlueDigiBerry F2 10 seeds/ $50
Fat Bubba F2 10 seeds/ $50
VG Bubba Kush 10 seeds/ $50


Pre 98 Bubba Kush S1 6 seeds/ $50
(Lemon Thai x DC) x Pre 98 Bubba Kush 6 seeds/ $50
White Rhino x Pre 98 Bubba Kush 6 seeds/ $50


Well-Known Member
That is because they are 20 year old seeds or 30. You will get about 1 in 10 to pop. I got the Highland Mexican x Blueberry. 1973 Guerrero Highland narrow leaf selected female crossed to DJ Shorts Blueberry.