Can anybody help me please ?


Hello guys & gals,can anybody tell me whats wrong and what can i do to fix this plant please ? day 49 of veg,no nutes yet,ffof soil,400w mh,2 feet tall



Well-Known Member
The whole leaf looks bad in general. 49 days is a long time to go with no nutes so I'd venture a guess it's deficient in everything.


Well-Known Member
Hello guys & gals,can anybody tell me whats wrong and what can i do to fix this plant please ? day 49 of veg,no nutes yet,ffof soil,400w mh,2 feet tall
Cal-Mag for sure. You need a good veg NPK. Sense your using ffof, use Fox Farm nute line. Hear is a link to the two products you need + Cal-Mag.

Any hydro store will have these products. Dont forget the big bloom. It has fulvic and humic acid along with bessties microbes. Also don't use chlorinated water, it will kill the beneficial microbes.

I would also recommend a roots accelerator. Rizotonic or House and Garden are great!


Thanks guys I appreciate the quick responses,I have the full line of fox farm nutes grow big,big bloom,grow big.I will def start using them on my next watering,will the plant get better ? When should I flower ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah plant should get better, I would use half strength and gradually up it to full.(the nutes)


Well-Known Member
If your growing indoors when you want . Most people that ive spoke with say when its a third of how big you want it. Hope this helps happy growing homie