can anyone answer this for me ??


Active Member
Alright guys please dont bite my head off if this comes out like a complete noob question.

I have a 1 plant that is ready to be cut and 4 that could do with another week or so. but i have no where to dry the 1 ready plant as i was planning to cut down all at the same time and dry in the tentm beacause it is easy to control the enviroment and my carbon filter should take care of most of the smell which is very important for me.

so i was thinking could i cut and hang my 1 plnt on a drying rack at the top of my tent above the light next to my carbon filter in the diagram.

I know light degrades thc but is it just direct strong light ? as i figured up at the top of my tent not much light is there and no direct light as the cool tube has a shade on it.

My enviroment in the tent is between 65-75F temps depending through out the day and RH is about 40% these condtions are ok to dry in as i understand ?? please correct me if im wrong

it will also be dark for 12 hours when the lights go out. is this a shitty idea or would it be ok ?? any comments appreciated sorry again if it sounds stupid



Well-Known Member
i have done this before and it diddnt really hurt the potency that much. aslong as your temps are not high and you dont have direct light on it it shouldnt matter to much. only thing i can sugest is to hangdry the whole plant since it will dry a bit faster then drying in cool complete dark room. also the fan leaves will protect the buds from strong light. Do it! Safety comes first :).


Active Member
ok thanks alot for the quick reply dude makes sense to hang the whole plant ye i think i will give it ago peace :bigjoint: