Can anyone diagnose for me? Splotches on the plants.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
that looks like one of 2 things to me. either the beginning of a phosphorous deficiency, or ph spotting. you don't give many details...


Looks like pH related to me?? I use Earth Juice and I know that shit is pretty acidic. I have 8.0pH water out of the tap and it brings mine down below 4.

I know people like to use a bloom booster but 0-15-40...damn use that stuff sparingly
that looks like one of 2 things to me. either the beginning of a phosphorous deficiency, or ph spotting. you don't give many details...

It's always at 5.6-6.2. I just flushed today and added another dose of nutes. If it gets worse, I'm just going to flush and water. Does that sound good?

What other info can I provide? I water every second day, a gallon-1.5 with the nutes, and every third watering or so I do a day of just water in between.

Temps are great and my scrog is working fine, otherwise. Cured a mildew problem with baking soda spray, but AND I NOTE TO OTHERS:
Don't forget to spray only at 69F and below! I burned like two buds...oops.
All of the buds on all 8 plants look awesome right now, though. I have five diff strains and I'm guesstimating about 125 budsites(tops only), so with a month to go...I figure 3/4 lbs?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
It's always at 5.6-6.2. I just flushed today and added another dose of nutes. If it gets worse, I'm just going to flush and water. Does that sound good? What other info can I provide? I water every second day, a gallon-1.5 with the nutes, and every third watering or so I do a day of just water in between.
Temps are great and my scrog is working fine, otherwise. Cured a mildew problem with baking soda spray, but AND I NOTE TO OTHERS:
Don't forget to spray only at 69F and below! I burned like two buds...oops.
your ph window (5.6-6.2) seems rather wide. it covers hydro and soil, lol. i'm assuming you're in soil. if that's the case, your ph really should be 6.5. if you actually are in soil, you definitely should not be watering every other day, this will not allow the roots to take in air. in soil, you really need to let the medium dry up between watering/feedings. if you're beyond 3 weeks of growth, you should probably be at or close to full strength nutes.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Looks like pH related to me?? I use Earth Juice and I know that shit is pretty acidic. I have 8.0pH water out of the tap and it brings mine down below 4.

I know people like to use a bloom booster but 0-15-40...damn use that stuff sparingly
oh yeah sure 40 potash another non fact
Clean it up if you do not know say so
This person is trying to save his grow and you are telling him to put potash (if you could find that strength)

Sorry it was you just randoms shootings!

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I would guess Nute burn but would be better if the lighting was correct to compare to my book for you. But because there is no twisting or brown ends I say not Mg nor K or P I cannot see the color if it is green going blue or yellow for the N. your random dead spots show a girl who at least could use a good flush if she makes it to dry out time. Do not keep watering as you are suffocating the root system. If that soil was new it did not need food until at least 3 weeks at an 18 hour lite schedule. If you are feeding more then every other time---at a discounted version until you see result and no more, Nutes are expensive and do not need to be in the ocean or water table anyways. Use them sparingly. I have 2 girls I get a pretty good return out of a 5 gallon pot with 6 holes around the edge and 3 at the bottom---for flushing!
Flushing is recommended by most Horticluturist as well as me and J.C Potted plants suffer from Heavy metal loss. So everyone assumes it is that. If the Ph is wrong there is a mine full of metal yet she cannot access it.


Well-Known Member
ok for starters, take some pics without the HPS., secondly flush flush flush, thirdly keep ur pH in check,.. soil sucks man..
and i have no idea wot type of lockout/deficiency starts up the center of the leaf.. someone should tho,.. but for now flush and re-start, and watch the new growth

Mr. Pine

you don't mention what type of soil, your mix or store bought, if store bought i doubt its a ph problem, they are buffered with lime so unless you're mixing a pretty acidic mixture you're not going to have a ph problem, looks more like over watering plants can't breathe, once or twice a week in the begining if anymore than that is needed, then your pot is too small, by the end you will be up to about every 3 days, most newbies kill their plants with love, trying to do everything they read, when the plant grows outside without any attention remember!

Mr. Pine

you also mentioned an earlier mildew problem which could point to high humidity in your room which again could come from over watering, a good rule is stick your finger in the soil up to about your second joint, if the tip of your finger is moist don't water yet and whats the humidity in your room?
you also mentioned an earlier mildew problem which could point to high humidity in your room which again could come from over watering, a good rule is stick your finger in the soil up to about your second joint, if the tip of your finger is moist don't water yet and whats the humidity in your room?

Well the humidity in the tent is running about 35-45% at all times, even at night. I'm in California, so it's pretty dry here.

I'm using store bought soil.

Well, the leaves have started curling now...And it's in a couple of plants, not just the one!

Do I trim off these bad leaves, or just let them fall?

Thanks for all the help...


Mr. Pine

i'm leaning toward over watering even tho it could still be nute burn, that tends to cause 'crunchy' tips on the leaves due to salt build up, over waterings causes more of the problems you're having, leaf curls under, whole plant can look droopy and the color starts to fade, unhealthy looking plants despite nute availability, and i wouldn't cut the leaves off till i have solved the problem, then they will probably fall off themselves, if your soil drains well try watering till you get a small amount of run off then don't water for atleast 4 to 5 days, make sure no water collects under pot in catch tray so the soil can dry as fast as possible and plants can breathe