Can anyone explain different spectrums and diode power?

Spectra vs. spectrums

Spectrum has been in English around 500 years,1 yet because it comes from Latin, many writers insist on pluralizing it as a Latin word. Indeed, spectra is one of a handful of Latin plurals that prevail over their English alternatives by significant margins. Still, speakers of English aren’t required to know the rules of Latin grammar, and the English plural, spectrums, is not wrong. It has been gaining ground over the last century, though it still tends to give way to the Latin form, especially where Latin forms typically prevail—i.e., in scientific writing, legal writing, and a few other formal contexts.
Spectra vs. spectrums

Spectrum has been in English around 500 years,1 yet because it comes from Latin, many writers insist on pluralizing it as a Latin word. Indeed, spectra is one of a handful of Latin plurals that prevail over their English alternatives by significant margins. Still, speakers of English aren’t required to know the rules of Latin grammar, and the English plural, spectrums, is not wrong. It has been gaining ground over the last century, though it still tends to give way to the Latin form, especially where Latin forms typically prevail—i.e., in scientific writing, legal writing, and a few other formal contexts.
Who!? Who mounts this heresy!!?