Can anyone explain to me what these gold and black markings mean?


New Member
I have tried to diagnose the problem myself but since I'm a newbie I'd like some expertise on it before I attempt anything outrageous. This is a medical clone, Girl Scout Cookie strain. It's currently in a party cup under a couple CFL compact lights. The lights are cool and about 2 inches from the plant. Thanks!DSCF0672.JPGDSCF0673.JPG
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Well-Known Member
Are you sure they're not holes? Looks like something is eating the plant to me. Over watered too perhaps. You got a drainage hole in the cup?


Well-Known Member
Your leaves are curling down. Maybe a root problem, I think. What's your growing medium?
Sometimes GSC can be irritating in veg. I think it's best that you take some more pictures from the whole plant.


New Member
Thanks for the suggestions, they led me to figuring it out! I've been under watering it. As a newb I didn't know proper watering technique since I thought it was a no brainer. Thanks for the help!