can anyone explain


Well-Known Member
some people are short, some people are tall, same applies to plants, they all grow at there own pace even if there the same strain


Active Member
One could have been a better seed then the other....but it just happens..nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
So these 2 autos are 1 day apart. Why is one long and lanky and the other is small and compact?
Are they the same race/strain? If they are supposed to be sibling plants I'd say the breeder doesn't have his shit dialed in. At all.


Well-Known Member
Would say 2 completely different phenos, short of any other evidence you can provide that'd help us diagnose another issue.


Well-Known Member
same thing with my polar expresses from the same breeder, one is more indica the other more sativa. probably a result of all there strains being hybrids. mine look more alike now that there a couple months old, but the sativa dominate one is about 8 inches taller. the indica has more bud sites though so we'll see who wins in a month or so lol


So check this out. My Hydro plant, if you look at the root system it shot out a huge tap root and the plastic basket was fused into the tap root. I had to cut the basket to free it from the root and carefully pull the pieces out of the root. Bodily it makes it. I think this is why it's so short? Kinda like cutting off circulation.


Active Member
The plant in the soil looks male to me. It could just be an extra lanky pheno but it doesnt look quite right for a lady. I hope I am wrong but you will find out soon enough.


Active Member
Actually now that I look at your setup on the second page, they could just be starving for light. I would definitly considering adding more CFLs or changing to hps system.