Can anyone help me by telling what the heck I am growing? =)


Well-Known Member
What kind of weed did the seeds come from? Impossible to tell the strain by looking, all I can say is it is definitely sativa or sativa dominant


Well-Known Member
Know that saying that a picture is worth a thousand words? Well when it comes to Mary J the odor is worth a thousand words ...check out There is a maze of things you can do on that site ....there is a way to search for strains based on odor. Looks good...if your attached to it go ahead and clip some to clone in case the smoke turns out to be top notch.


New Member

All I know is that it is a Sativa. I was given the seeds by a friend of a friend. I am worried though as it does not really look like bud. It looks like flower sacks but not open. Here is a pic of a small piece sort of trimmed today just to see what it is looking like. I guess it is just not ready but that is why I am posting here. There is tons of sugar on the leaves, and I do mean tons. Maybe I will need to resort to making Hash or Oil with this crop instead of vaping like I normally do... =)




New Member
Thanks redzi, I will definitely check out that site to see if I can find any that resembles it. Odour wise, it is potent but I just can not really describe the odour.



New Member
Treegrower420, how can you tell my bushes had 'rapid growth'? I can tell you they did grow about 3' in 4 weeks...I was totally amazed but scared at the same time. I do not think these plants are closed to ready but what to you think?


New Member
Thanks a lot...I agree it does look nice but I am worried that it will not finish. It is getting really cold at night and wonder if the flowers are going to open any if at all. Right now it just looks like flower sacks with none open. This is my first year growing, so hope I am doing it correctly.


Active Member
if you have a clear tarpolin and a dark tarpolin. Because the weather were i live is so unpredicable i lay the black tarp around the base of the green house and put the clear round the outside. This traps more heat in because of stagnant air traped between the inside of tarp and the outside of the green house and slightly insulates and the black traps heat in the day. lol it only raises temp by 1-3 ºC but somtimes thats the life saver. hope this helps


New Member
the strain is called Ruderalis. its a strain of its own like sativa and indica
Ruderalis is the most uncommon cannabis to find, even in a cross breed. and the long growth period make it an undesirable species for many growers. Ruderalis does not preform like other species, as it does not flower according to light cycle, but rather the age of the plant. Holland still has a popular Ruderalis following, unlike the rest of the world


New Member
Thanks a lot. So do you think this strain is any good? Since these plants are only about 12-14 weeks old, do you think they are not ready? I have had some people poking around the yard here and think I should take them down this weekend, what do you think?

What does anyone think? Take them down or hope to get another couple of weeks and hope for the best? Maybe take one of them now and leave the others?


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
That's NOT a ruderalis! It's NOT male or herming! You have an equatorial sativa. That means it will run as much as double what you have already bloomed for! I might venture that is a landrace plant (That means it's old and pure genetic wise) Sativa's that come from the equator zone can bloom as long as 24 to 28 weeks!

Do what Sanj said to try and run it out as long as you can....only problem may be short light time,,,,,BUT that CAN make sativa's finish a bit faster as the plant thinks it's running out of time to reproduce. It won't be "tight and hard budded" but could yield a good sativa "high".

Good luck


New Member
Dr. Who, I am thinking of taking these down this weekend due to unforeseen circumstances and prying eyes in the past few days. Do you really think I should leave them or just lop them and hope for the best that they are done enough? I can tell you there is a ton of crystal that I can see and the buds are definitely filling out and looking much bigger than they were when I posted the original pictures. The smell is starting to become a little bit of an issue for my wife and if people enter my driveway, they will smell them at certain times through the day. It is not that I am really worried but the wife is starting to a little more with each passing day...*sigh*


Active Member
the strain is called Ruderalis. its a strain of its own like sativa and indica
Ruderalis is the most uncommon cannabis to find, even in a cross breed. and the long growth period make it an undesirable species for many growers. Ruderalis does not preform like other species, as it does not flower according to light cycle, but rather the age of the plant. Holland still has a popular Ruderalis following, unlike the rest of the world
lol im pretty sure Ruderalis are autoflowering plant.