can anyone help me i need a mentor or something

hi peeps,i have just cropped my 1st plant,,she was lovely all the way through,had no probs watsoever untill harvest,,she turned out to be a knockout smoke but her buds shrivelled up that much and lost so much weight,all i ended up with was 15gram's of fluffyish knockout gear,,i use a grow tent and 2x125w duelspec cfls,i feed me babes cana a+b superthrive and accelerater boost during flowering and also temps and humidity are always perfect...where am i going wrong with me buds,could it be the plant istelf,,ive got a coupe of auto's growing now and ther looking lovely just hope buds are better this time...please fella's no insults or wise cracks as i'm a newbie :)


Active Member
Best of luck to you and your plants and merry christmas!
First off what's your set up? How many lights? How big wattage, lumens? How big is your space? How many plants? Buds tend to shrink and loose weight as they dry. Cfls if far away tend to make fluffy buds they need to be within an inch or two as long as there not burning for best results.
Need some more info on your set up to really help.


Well-Known Member
Change your lights around. Keep cfl as close as you can with out burning the plant. Buds weight shrink by as much as 75% when dry. If you got good smoke it worked.
thanks mate,,its just a grow tent in me bedroom about the size for 3 plants or 6 auto's am using 2x 125 cfls,,there looking perfect till cropped then the buds turn to nothing even though its a nice smoke..i know 15grams for me 1st plant isnt much to laugh about but it looked a hell of a lot more becuase there was loads of a auto berry and auto northern light in flower now and there looking lovely,tyte compact buds,i'm just hoping they dont turn out the same,,i will try and uploads some photos


Well-Known Member
Your problem with loose airy/fluffy buds is nearly allways caused by insufficient light,hot temps can also cause this but you say temps are perfect.

Looking at the cfl's you use its easy to see what the problem is,you dont have enough light for a single plant let alone multiple plants.

To use cfl light for growing bud you must understand that your using the absolute weakest light source capable of growing mj,running cfl & having a sucessfull harvest with multiple plants requires LITERALY dozens of cfl's.

Look up BUDS FOR LESS by Seymore Buds,he is a member here & his book shows you how to use cfl properly.


Well-Known Member
Just started flowering my first grow and started with Seymor's book and RIU folks. Doing the Miricle Gro and went with a HPS/MH 250w instead CFL's. Seymour's book rocks but he gets a little sketchy on watering, about every 10 days and my girls are thirsty at 4-5. Great book so is Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cevantes.

In trolling the board I remember reading that lower temps cause greater resin production. Is that brain cell working correctly? If so what temps?


Well-Known Member
What Claytonbigsby said. There are some strains that do much better than others under "low light" conditions. Go on youtube and check out some cfl grows. By the way, Nirvana's Papaya is a pretty good "low light" strain.


Well-Known Member
probably during the drying and cure stage
hi peeps,i have just cropped my 1st plant,,she was lovely all the way through,had no probs watsoever untill harvest,,she turned out to be a knockout smoke but her buds shrivelled up that much and lost so much weight,all i ended up with was 15gram's of fluffyish knockout gear,,i use a grow tent and 2x125w duelspec cfls,i feed me babes cana a+b superthrive and accelerater boost during flowering and also temps and humidity are always perfect...where am i going wrong with me buds,could it be the plant istelf,,ive got a coupe of auto's growing now and ther looking lovely just hope buds are better this time...please fella's no insults or wise cracks as i'm a newbie :)


RIU Bulldog
sounds like your only problem is the size of your light man. a lot of people don't make it to harvest their first time so you're already ahead of the curve. You can't expect too much from CFLs. You're not gonna get a huge yeild with them. If you insist on using CFL's, at least switch to t5's. Either way, you MUST MUST MUST learn to scrog if you want any respectable yeild.
Otherwise upgrade to at least a 250w-400w HPS and I think you'll get the results your looking for.
So in your case-
1) HPS
2) T5's
3) CFL's