Can anyone help me whats going on here?

Maybe tip burn, but youd want to look at fan leaves more at the top to confirm. Since its on lower leaves think of nutrient deficiency. Looks like phosphorus and calcium/magnesium might be needed.
How does the rest of the plant look? If i showed you a picture of my cut hand would you be able to tell if i was in a serious car accident?
See red vein on lower leaf. Firing red for phos.
Droopy curled leaves phos. Bunched up "tight" top nodes phos/cal/mag. Cold weather affects phos mobility in soil. And pH too. Add a little P+ and some cal mag. The burn is likely phos translocation from lower leaves to growth tip.
I try to have the ph around 6 going in , one of the run offs ph was about 6.5 and I just tested another ones run off and it was almost 8 . I dont have a calibrated ph tester at the moment so I'm using the liquid ph tester , I have a digital soil ph meter and after I watered them last all there ph was in between 5.9 and 6.3 at the highest. I use cal-mag, and floramicro gro and bloom. I use well water not filtered at all I know it has a lot of sulfur not sure what else . As far as ppm I dont know .
Does your furnace have a condenser pump ? It useally pumps into your subpump if you do try and save your water from that I have my condenser pumping dehumidified water to a bucket and use that for watering . I live in the county also on well water and I won't use it .
They look allright to me, but not good enough eh? I know we all try and kill it. I would try pushing a little stronger nutes, higher numbers and see if it stimulates them.
Soil pH suggests your soil is too low in pH. Dolomite or oyster shells could help buffer the nutes and well water plus give calcium boost.
The pH of 8 id recheck seems way off compared to other plants and the soil ph meter readings.
Well water is hard and high in sulpher and calcium u could have more calcium then needed as well but I would work on your soil pH .
I wouldn't worry too much about your well water. My well water runs between 7.2 and 6.6 depending on season. And yeah white chalky residue everywhere water dries, even on leaves.
Remember cannabis is an acid loving plant and likes soil pH below 7. Then look at a nutrient availability by pH chart. Nothing good happens at pH 7.2 and above!