Can anyone tell me what deficiency this has?


Growing in dirt.
Water twice a week, once with Advance Nuetrients and once with straight water.
Been flowering for about 3 or 4 weeks, and all the plants around it (same water schedule and light) look fine, this is the only one that looks this way.
Sits under 2 600w HPS lights.
Ph meter is broken, so I'm not sure of that, but like I said, the rest of the plants are fine.
I also posted this under the General Growing sub forum neutrients and someone said Potassium. What can I get that from? Chop up a frickin' banana?
Any help would be appreciated, I'm a noob so be gentle.



Active Member
They won't all be perfect man, I would say if the others look fine then you aren't doing anything wrong. More than likely this plant just doesn't like you :)


Active Member
the purple leaves could be just be symtoms of a purple strain but the mottled green/yellow/beige/purple normally signify a toxic salt build-up, flush them through with 3x the volume of the pot.


Active Member
tbh..looks like it has just about all of them lol. i looked at a little guid chart with pics and that looks like its got a little bit of every nutrient deficiency.

if i where you id get a nute that has a little bit of everything in it lol. maybe something like MG really. they are good for that. all purpose has a little bit of alot of good nutrients in it that your plant is probably lacking.