can anyone tell me whats going on here? PICTURE


Well-Known Member
What soil, what nutes? Looks like your burning the shit out of it. Flush with florakleen or similar solution and ph at 6. Your prob locking out nitrogen


Well-Known Member
whoa whoa, its not burned at all. let me explain; nute burn occurs at the new growth tips first, and the new growth seems fine.

however your leaves are lime green(early stage N deficiency) and they are probably yellowing/dieing at the lowest oldest growth(mid stage), yellowing from the tips inwards, and its climbing up the plant(late stage).

you also have a major K deficiency; i bet money that all the leaves tips are singed(early K deficiency), now they are starting to yellow slowly and that singed tip is area is getting larger(mid stage), and finally those rust spots start appearing and that the late stage. heres some pics so theres no question

N deficiency early, notice the lime green
View attachment 1778528

healthy plant, notice leaf size and color
nitrogen healthy plant july 19, 2011 @90 days, 3'2'' tall.jpg

and the K deficiency pic
potassium K.jpg

the best quick guide pic ever
View attachment 1778535