I appreciate your concern cc dobbs, but I am an experienced grower, I am from California and yes I'm used to growing outdoors, I do understand many things about growing, I have a fuzzy logic system, I understand ph,ec, etc, I have a truncheon, I can control my grow room, it's at 50% humidity 70 degrees. I use reverse osmosis water, I just changed the filter on it. I do know how to use up and down to lower the acidity, I have my dwc at 5.75 ph, the bubbles are hitting the netted pots, I followed advice yesterday, and those two little plants are looking so much better it's unbelievable. I live out in the boonies in the middle of the freaking Bible Belt now, seed weed is $200.00 an ounce. And if you can find decent weed, I bought some lemon Kushan which cost $400.00 an ounce. I'm used to going to Harborside or Berkley Patients Group where I lived at, the people there was awesome! I apologize for being bitchy, but yesterday I had to go see my oncologist, which turns me into a total bitch out of fear from what I'm about to find out. Good news though, my tumors are shrinking, and my white blood count has gone down, so the horrible treatment and horrible side effects are worth it, I am responding to treatment

I hate taking morphine, makes me feel worse, I get hazy and confused, sleepy and my doctor did prescribe Marinol which is shit, makes me feel paranoid and crappy! The only thing that makes me feel better and alleviates my symptoms is weed, I just can't believe its illegal here when it's the only thing that makes me feel better. It's total bullshit! I really do appreciate your concern, but I'm forced to grow indoors now, and I bought every book on kindle for hydro, I read many members grow journals and study so I can learn a new way to grow. Now you have me considering a soilless mixture, but I just ordered a new DWC setup, and I am learning from my husbands grow, the mistakes he has made, I have learned to correct. I have germinated my seeds and they are only 3 days old, I followed your advice, growing in solo cups, I usually use red, but my neighbor picked me up clear, but I still can switch to coco and I like the Lucus method and hempy. Using hydroton and bottom feeding.
I am only 3 days into my rock wool seedlings, I followed almost all advice given, and my babies look great. And since it is only 3 days I can still easily switch to another growing medium, like coco. I did get upset, because why would you have a place called Newbie Central for new growers to ask for help, only to be put down and feel like shit. I thought it was for help, not to say everything you do is fucked up, I do want to learn. And I have followed others advice and my babies under the T-5 with plastic bags on each one and growing in solo cups with hydroton look awesome. Yes I rinsed the rocks several times, I'm pretty anal about cleanliness. I really do appreciate your concern, that's sweet of you.
The last thing I want is to start any arguments between members, it seems like you both are concerned and do want me to have a successful grow. When I talked to the representative from Stealth Hydro, he told me it was simple, just follow the directions and you will not have any problems, he told me how simple it was, but I should remember he's trying to sell me expensive setups.
So I believe I will switch to coco, but a soilless mixture is not out of the question yet. I do know to change the resovour once a week, flush with 1/4 strength nute solution.
Thank you lime73, popcorn, Sun King and cc dobbs, I will read and study more and look at my husbands grow before I decide what to do, but definitely switching to coco, I am really interested in hempy and Lucus method. I have time fortunately to find out what to do. I appreciate Lime33 for sticking up for me, yet I understand cc dobbs comments,he doesn't want me to have a total failure on my crop, I guess the way it was said, hurt my feelings, I know I have thin skin, and it made me feel like I'm an idiot. I just don't understand why have a place called Newbie Central, for newbies, you are telling everyone I am new to this please help, just to feel like a moron, I thought we are supposed to help one another, not put each other down! But I do appreciate the fact that you want my crop to survive. I do appreciate that for real, this seed weed shit, doesn't do a thing, I need real medicinal marijuana.
These are my seeds that popped the next day in the paper towel method, let them soak overnight In a cup of Neptune's harvest seed germinator, one teaspoon per cup of water, they all popped in one to two days with cotyledons 3 to 5 mms and are all growing wonderful in the cups with hydrtron with plastic bag hats on them, thanks for all help and advice, remember I'll say it again, all knowledge has to come from a source, weren't you thought cc? Hugs, me

I have around two each of aurora indica, GDP x Og, Kosher Kushan, Boss Hogg, Master Kush, and Afghani #1, I took these pictures yesterday some we're put in on the 26th and a few on the 27th. But they look great today, it's only been five days and some are putting out their second set of true leaves. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
thanks again, and lime33, thanks again, you made it easier going to the doctor yesterday, and you guys are the reason I'll stay here and keep coming back.