Can Anyone Tell Me WTF Is Happening To My Plant?


Well-Known Member
Spray that on the plant using the foliar application rate. Spray it on NOW, like tonight. if you have some dish soap put two drops in the foliar spray bottle with it.

I would suggest botanicare pure blend pro line of nutrients. Broadly accepted as quality nutrients, organic, and not too expensive. Grow for now and bloom for when you flip to 12/12. Only feed every other watering. Let them dry out fairly well in-between waterings.

Make sure your not running 24 lights on cycle. Not going to debate it, but it is stressful on a plant and not worth the electricity.

Throw everything fertilizer related you bought at the hardware store in the garbage. (unless you bought your superstring there)

Get to reading bitch... This ain't preschool. :)


Well-Known Member
I think today ill go and get some liquid ferts, ill not be bothering with liquid karma , at least until shes settled a bit, i wont be doing anything until ive got back from work either way, oh and i will be flushing properly checking ph as i go.....

kingrow, i believe L karma is a molasses based type thing

until recently i have been using this with a ratio of 24-8-16



Well-Known Member
Yer dont mix organic and chemical ferts in soil, one kills the microherd and one feeds it, i think. I think that dude was right using the organic stuff as a foliar since you have used the chemical ferts in the soil. I think organic dont work after chemical ferts have been given, or not that well. Think you can switch fro organic to chem nutes but not from chemical nutes to organic.

Someone please cite this as i am a little hazy here, been a while. Peace


Well-Known Member
LK is MUCH more than molasses.

I mentioned that cause legalyflying posted about Pure Blend Pro nutes.They are good nutes that work well.....well, all nutes work but you get what i'm sayin...i think.

You can start out organic and finish with chems,not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Order good recomended nutes from a gro shop, get a lot of dutch ferts in UK not so many american, its still cheapish for a good amount of top quality ferts 6 to 10 quid a grow or bloom, obviously find one that dose cheap postage and packaging and a shop that aint had them sitting on the shelves for years.

I used chempak granular ferts briefly, seemed good but easy to overdo, these seem better NPK and probably find them local if you look in the UK, still i recomend better. Peace


Well-Known Member
well after a cuppa im off to a shop i found locally, they sell pretty much everything, ive already spoke to the guy and explained that im using MG, ive been asked to pop down for a look round.....also i did spray the plant and she does look a wee bit better, im still thinking of fully flushing tho, because i didnt flush properly last time.....ill pop back and hopefully have some thing good to say/


Well-Known Member
well after a cuppa im off to a shop i found locally, they sell pretty much everything, ive already spoke to the guy and explained that im using MG, ive been asked to pop down for a look round.....also i did spray the plant and she does look a wee bit better, im still thinking of fully flushing tho, because i didnt flush properly last time.....ill pop back and hopefully have some thing good to say/
Yer telling em you use MG they will be like this guy is coming down and he uses MGlololololol, i can hear them now,lololol

Sorry dude no reference to you just dont let them sweet talk you, can always just ask advice and get back here or even google the products.


Well-Known Member
lol, i actually KNOW the guy, i went to school with him, ive now switched to biobizz.

i asked about switching from granular chems to liquid, he agreed, then went on to say that biobizz isnt as harsh a shock to the plant as the alternatives, so im gonna struggle through with this grow, and start over when shes done.

its a learning curve and im happy to make mistakes and sacrifices along the way.

next week hes letting me take a 400 hps system home, and pay later, happy days :) , so ive watered the old girl up, after ph checking the water, ive been advised to go for a ph of around 5.9 , just so long as im not over 6.5.....ill flush when its time to start flowering and ill do a ph run off check and take it from there.


Well-Known Member
I like to talk shop with other customers in the hydro store. If some cat said "I'm using MG" I would likely say "right on dude"...and then slowly back away.

I wouldn't run over to the shop owners to laugh at you or talk shit because there are a 1,000 ways to grow weed. I would wait till you left, THEN I would run over and ask "what's up with captain miracle grow". Fear not, it's happened before and it will happen again.

I've got $50 riding on your next question....

Can I use a black light for flower?

Should I make bread in my flower room to increase CO2?

What are all these flies in my soil?

Do they make a 600 watt CFL?

Has anyone ever thought of a light cycle that is 6 on, 8 off, 8 on, 10 off, 12 on, then 16 off?

:). Just have to flip you some shit, it's all good and we will get you on the right track. It's just that right now, I need to poke a little fun to stay interested. :)


Well-Known Member
I like to talk shop with other customers in the hydro store. If some cat said "I'm using MG" I would likely say "right on dude"...and then slowly back away.

I wouldn't run over to the shop owners to laugh at you or talk shit because there are a 1,000 ways to grow weed. I would wait till you left, THEN I would run over and ask "what's up with captain miracle grow". Fear not, it's happened before and it will happen again.

I've got $50 riding on your next question....

Can I use a black light for flower?

Should I make bread in my flower room to increase CO2?

What are all these flies in my soil?

Do they make a 600 watt CFL?

Has anyone ever thought of a light cycle that is 6 on, 8 off, 8 on, 10 off, 12 on, then 16 off?

:). Just have to flip you some shit, it's all good and we will get you on the right track. It's just that right now, I need to poke a little fun to stay interested. :)
go right ahead, your posts are for the most part overlooked anyway. ;)

You see im not like you, i wasnt born a grower, i have to rely on people going out of thier way to help a complete noob, and plenty have done too, i so wish i was born a grower, like you, but sadly im not, im learning the hard way and your comments are for the most part, pointless.

the irony here is that it was this very forum i announced i was using MG, and at that time nothing was said.

funny that !


Well-Known Member
WOW. Pointless? Way to bite the hand that feeds.

I wasn't born a grower, nobody is. I spent lots of time in school and lots of time studying at home. That combined with countless hours trying out different techniques and more research to debunk various growers myths. I spent ALLLOT of money buying the best gear but I can afford to do so because I have a good career (as a ecologist/botanist). I had my questions sure, but at least they were informed questions, not a case of me just depending on others to hold my hand the whole way. I only help those that are willing to help themselves. It's fairly obvious that you no next to nothing about indoor horticulture or MJ growing. I thought I would lend a hand and crack a couple jokes in the process.

Seems like someone is pretty thin skinned. It will be extremely easy to ignore my advice as you won't see any more coming your way whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
WOW. Pointless? Way to bite the hand that feeds.

I wasn't born a grower, nobody is. I spent lots of time in school and lots of time studying at home. That combined with countless hours trying out different techniques and more research to debunk various growers myths. I spent ALLLOT of money buying the best gear but I can afford to do so because I have a good career (as a ecologist/botanist). I had my questions sure, but at least they were informed questions, not a case of me just depending on others to hold my hand the whole way. I only help those that are willing to help themselves. It's fairly obvious that you no next to nothing about indoor horticulture or MJ growing. I thought I would lend a hand and crack a couple jokes in the process.

Seems like someone is pretty thin skinned. It will be extremely easy to ignore my advice as you won't see any more coming your way whatsoever.
im fine with that, theres always someone else.

there is a difference between jokes, and taking the complete piss.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there has been SOOOOOO much great advice given to you.

MAgnesium deficiency? no its your ph, no its lack of light..flush it, no feed it. LMAO .

Kinggro you can be the official mentor. I'm out.


Well-Known Member
So why didn't you just tell the man what the deal is?

Regardless of how much you know about growing some plants you still came off on the douche side."I" saw what you were gettin at but not every one does,especially a new grower.

Yea he's bein a bit thin skinned but to him you came across as an ass obviously.

You 2 kiss an make dude wit his plant....then tell him to send ya some at harvest.


Well-Known Member
So why didn't you just tell the man what the deal is?

Regardless of how much you know about growing some plants you still came off on the douche side."I" saw what you were gettin at but not every one does,especially a new grower.

Yea he's bein a bit thin skinned but to him you came across as an ass obviously.

You 2 kiss an make dude wit his plant....then tell him to send ya some at harvest.
he has even bothered to try and taunt me in mail, its cool tho, i see just how he is, its no biggy :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there has been SOOOOOO much great advice given to you.

MAgnesium deficiency? no its your ph, no its lack of light..flush it, no feed it. LMAO .

Kinggro you can be the official mentor. I'm out.
and all the while you sat there laughing huh ?

well as i said, its cool, plants looking loads better now, and id like to say , i have learned a fair bit about forum members here, some really nice friendly people about.